The gardening team at the station
Transition at Warrior Square Station
The work of the Transition Town Hastings’ team is blossoming and flourishing at Warrior Square Station. In a relatively short time, they’ve transformed the gardens by the platform, giving the whole area some TLC. Ongoing work – and here’s the dates for when they’re next meeting for gardening and talking, tea and biscuits – and what’s needed to help progress the project. Zelly Restorick reports.
The TTH team are always looking for new people to go along and join in – on a regular basis or now and again. All very friendly and welcoming – and you work at your own pace on the tasks you’re willing to do.
Dates for meeting at St Leonards Warrior Square Station:
Saturday 23 July @ 12-3pm
Sunday 31 July @ 10-1pm
Saturday 6 Aug @ 12-3pm
Litter picking, making bee boxes, clearing, tending, watering and preparing the beds!
Wish List:
If you have any spare tools, manure, mulch and compost, please bring them along
Also, we need cuttings of fuchsia, honeysuckle and jasmine (anything pretty & pleasantly smelly) for the railings
Also, we will need vegetables to grow in the raised beds
And biscuits!
For more information, contact via the Transition Town Hastings website.
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That’s great, Barbara. Thank you for letting us know – I will pass the message on to TTH team. I know they will be grateful and happy to receive! A lovely connection. Good wishes, Zelly
Would you like to write something about the car scheme – and how it’s going? Thanks.
Comment by Zelly Restorick — Thursday, Jul 21, 2016 @ 12:00
There are lots of veg ready to plant out in the old greenhouse ihn Alexandra Park, including beans, courgettes, pumpkins, tomatoes (lots), green peppers etc. Could you pick up from there? Entrance on St Helen’s Road. I don’t think we would need to charge because they are surplus, but in good condition.
Comment by Barbara Rogers — Thursday, Jul 21, 2016 @ 11:16