Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
The Pocket Park, Hughenden Road Hastings

The Pocket Park, Hughenden Road Hastings

Party in the Pocket Park

This Sunday, you are invited to attend The Party in the Pocket Park on Hughenden Road in Hastings to celebrate its recent transformation from grotty uncared for area to a beautiful park, writes HOT’s Zelly Restorick. The Pocket Park is a clear demonstration of what can be achieved when a group of local individuals and organisations combine forces, energy and initiative with the goal of regeneration in their minds.

The Pocket Park, Hughenden Road Hastings

The Pocket Park, pre transformation

The Park was officially opened in 2003, having been built on the site of some derelict industrial buildings, donated to local residents by the Council. As of 2013, the park had sadly fallen into disrepair, but has now once again been transformed – with the loving care and energy of local people, Better Braybrooke and other local organisations – into a vibrant and very-pleasing-to-the-eye park. Weeds have been eradicated; soil dug over; vegetables nurtured; wild flowers and other native plants have been planted; all this has turned the park around to being a well respected and loved outdoor arena in which people can play safely, relax and even do a bit of gardening.

The Pocket Park, Hughenden Road Hastings

The Pocket Park, Hughenden Road Hastings

The Pocket Park is charity-funded, therefore totally reliant on the generosity of the community – be it time or money. Recently, the Arthur and Doreen Green Fund generously donated £2,000 to the park – and the 3rd Hastings Scout Group has helped with weeding and maintenance, as well as making wooden benches and tables, bird boxes and bat houses.

The Pocket Park, Hughenden Road Hastings

Transformation in progress

The park is open to everyone from 9am, until 7pm when it is locked up by volunteers. There are some planned activities: Sunday morning ‘Chill Out’ digging sessions are open to all.  The Salvation Army’s ‘Wriggletots’ group is scheduled to use the park on Friday 1 August from 12.00 – 2.00pm and Hastings Borough Council have play days planned for 4, 11 & 18 August from 1.30 – 3.00pm.  Otherwise, we welcome any enquiries to use the park for private functions, either as groups or other events, day or evening-time.

The Pocket Park’s Facebook page here. 

Take a look at this video to see some of the transformation in process.

The Party in The Pocket Park

3 – 7pm, Sunday 27 July 2014

Live music and BBQ

Entrance is adjacent to 4 Hughenden Road [behind PA Fisher, the butchers], Hastings TN34 3TG




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Posted 10:07 Friday, Jul 25, 2014 In: Home Ground

Also in: Home Ground

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