Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Multi-Cultural Community thriving at Chapel Park

On first view, the community centre in Chapel Park Road doesn’t look the most welcoming, with its unusual downstairs approach. However this is soon put to rest when you open the doors to find the warmest of greetings from centre manager Ann Reid. You very quickly find out what the centre is all about, “here we put people first” says Ann.

Although the overall space within the centre is restricted, Ann manages to make the very most of what is available.  This includes a communal area where any member of the public can use the computers for internet access, free of charge, or just relax with a cup of coffee from the informal café area.

They also have a hall available for hire (seats around 90) starting from a very reasonable £15 per hour.

The most interesting area is an IT Suite, complete with 14 computer terminals and overhead projector, available to hire for just £20 per hour. Quite a bargain in my eyes!

The undoubted strength of the centre is its openness to members of all nationalities and the embracing of locals alike. Ann gave several examples of people living around the area who found a real sense of belonging and friendship through using it. One example is ‘Tino’ who volunteers his time to man the coffee area, breaking through some personal barriers in the process.

It is also host to HEMAS – Hastings Ethnic Minority Advice Service. Every Thursday from 2 til 4, the centre offers a comprehensive advice service that includes help with letter writing, form filling, and job searching amongst a host of other. Alongside this, the main use of the hall area is taken by ESOL (English for Speakers of other Languages) where people visit daily to get help improving their skills.

Whilst at the present time the centre may have a predominantly foreign usage, Ann was very keen to point out that the Centre is available to all. Indeed she would be more than happy for anyone to volunteer or take an interest in what the Centre can offer.

New projects starting up are:

Free Computer skills and other courses – from learning Spanish to how to sell on Ebay, free courses available to everyone from November.

Friends International – offers friendship to people from overseas living in the Hastings and St Leonards area on Tuesdays from 7:30pm to 9pm. All are welcome to attend.

Mikes Art Class – Mikes Art Class runs every Tuesday from 1–3pm at a cost of £7 per lesson.

The Centre is a registered charity and, as such, relies almost entirely on grants. Ann says “I would really like to be able to employ someone to help with the workload, thus enabling myself to concentrate on where things can be improved”. Let’s hope in the near future her wish will be granted!

For more details on any of the above please contact Ann on 01424 714095, office hours Monday to Friday.

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Posted 18:38 Monday, Oct 31, 2011 In: Home Ground

Also in: Home Ground

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