Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

People’s Health Alliance

People’s Health Alliance wellbeing event

The People’s Health Alliance is holding their first Health and Wellbeing event at Fairlight Village Hall on Saturday 24 February from 10am til 4pm. HOT’s Zelly Restorick asked organiser Ruth Drake some questions about the organisation and the event.

Tell us about the PHA: what was the initiative and what is the reason for its existence?

The People’s Health Alliance (PHA) is an organic, people led, integrated health initiative that aims to educate, support and empower people to take responsibility for their own health.

The PHA was started by Katherine McBean who saw that the NHS, due to underfunding is struggling and G.P. appointments have long waiting lists.

The initiative is utilising allopathic and holistic treatments, harnessing of nature and re-discovering traditional medicine. Shift the paradigm from treating dis-ease to creating health! Having the freedom to choose your own health pathway.

Who can be involved and how does someone introduce themselves to the group? Do you hold meetings?
Anyone can be involved! Hubs all around the country.  Local ones are Hastings and Ore. We have monthly meetings to discuss ideas, plan events, etc and for supporting each other. We have local therapists who attend. Our next monthly meeting is next Thursday 15 February at 2.00 pm and will be in the room above the Jenny Lind Inn in the Old Town.
What is the event at Fairlight Village Hall?
The Health and Wellbeing event is a first attempt to bring everyone together to try out and have taster sessions from a variety of therapists with a variety of modalities . There will also be healthy things to buy e.g. herbal tinctures. There will be teas and coffees, healthy cakes to buy, plus lots more including tarot readers for fun!
The event is being hosted by Hastings and Ore PHA hub. Come for a taster session, or even just a chat! Entry is free, but any donations welcome.

Do you have social media connections? 

We are on Facebook (Hastings and Ore) and have a website.
There is a National PHA website: People’s Health Alliance.

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Posted 12:47 Tuesday, Feb 13, 2024 In: Health Matters

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