Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper
World Mental Health Day local event

World Mental Health Day local event

Love Hastings, Love Yourself

As part of World Mental Health Day on 10 October, ‘Love Hastings, Love Yourself’ is an all-day event open to everyone and anyone interested in mental health issues.

The event is free, aims to provide positive, de-stigmatising information about mental health and is supported by Time to Change, Together Your Way, Mind, HBC and Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust.

Sharon Rhodes, Time To Change champion, is leading much of the organisation, so please feel free to directly contact her via

Facebook LoveHastings Love Yourself:  Please like and share and say you ‘are coming’ or ‘interested’ on the event page.
Twitter: Please retweet as much as you like!

Love Hastings Love Yourself: World Mental Health Day event Monday 10 October, 10am -5pm, Observer Building, 53 Cambridge Road, Hastings TN34 1DT.


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Posted 07:54 Friday, Sep 23, 2016 In: Health Matters

Also in: Health Matters

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