Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Spooky tales from Ed Boxall for greenhouse Halloween

Children’s author Ed Boxall will be thrilling youngsters with spooky tales and spider fun as part of the Halloween celebrations at Alexandra Park greenhouse, says Lynda Foy.

Mr Boxall, an artist. writer and performer who lives in Hastings, will be telling spine-tingling tales at Alexandra Park greenhouse during its Halloween antics on Sunday 29 October. The event starts at 1.30pm and will last about three hours. Light refreshments will be available and plants will be on sale.

The author, whose latest books are We The Wild Ones for older children and Carried Away With The Carnival for younger ones, said: “I offer performances and workshops linked to both books. I love connecting with people directly during my shows, which mix music, poetry, stories and giant versions of my books.”

Miniature version of Robert Bozeat’s giant spider.

Visitors can also enter a contest to name a giant spider that retired sculptor Rupert Bozeat built in the greenhouse grounds. The winning ticket will be drawn by Mr Boxall and he will present the winner with a miniature version of the spider. Entry forms will be available at the Halloween event.

Mr Bozeat, who lives in St Leonards, used teak glazing bars removed from the 1930’s greenhouse when it was fitted with a new roof. “Considering the spindly nature of the timbers, it occurred to me that a giant spider might be appropriate and spectacular,” he explained.

Tickets for the Halloween happening are on sale at £5 each at the greenhouse group’s events page.

Opening hours at the greenhouse, which is near the Pump House Cafe, are: Saturdays 10.30am-1pm, and Thursdays 2.30-5pm.

The greenhouse group is looking for a volunteer to co-ordinate the community use of the greenhouse. Contact Charlotte by email.

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Posted 10:18 Thursday, Oct 26, 2023 In: Grassroots

Also in: Grassroots

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