Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
The horses at the Brownbread sanctuary

The horses at the Brownbread sanctuary

Horse rescue centre needs your support!

Brownbread Horse Rescue runs on the untiring devotion and love energy of Dinty and Tony Smith – owners of the horse (pony and donkey) sanctuary –  and their volunteers and donors, who help keep this equine safe haven in existence. And now, here’s a call-out for some extra helping hands.  Zelly Restorick writes. 

Open Day Pony Rides

Open day pony rides

The highly popular Brownbread Open Day (Sunday 15 May, 10.30am-4pm) will be opened by Lord Brett MacLean of Hastings. Something for everyone: pony rides, a riding display by Emily, singers, a dog show, boot and table sale, classic cars display, the Brownbread Band, a children’s play area, Hunters Moon Morris, archery, tack and riding gear for sale, plants, produce and refreshments, piano-accordian singer, Iceni Belly Dancers – and all within a beautiful setting in Ashburnham.

Stalls are £8 (still some available) – and entry is £3 per person. Under 10 years old, you go for free! Free off-road parking.

For more information, call Tony on 01424 892381 or email him at:

OpenDaySept2010 131Specific Asks/Requests/Needs

“We’re only having one open day annually now,” writes Tony, “which means, of course, that we have to try and raise a year’s funds in one day and the only way we can do this is to make it a day to remember. We therefore need performers who would like to do something either on the stage or in the arena, people who can sing, dance, juggle, play an instrument, conjure, whatever. Many stalls are booked already – just £8 – but there is plenty of room for more stallholders. There are several tombola stalls, but our one big raffle could do with a few more good prizes.

TRUST 1210K POWERC@M OPTICAL ZOOM“We were sad that our groom, Wendy, had to retire with ill-health last year, so we are seeking an experienced person to be considered for this demanding part-time position, but also volunteers, with or without experience, are always welcome to help out either in the office or yard.” Ring 01424 892381 or 01424 893922.


Help with the open day – in all sorts of areas:

  • Donating any tack, horse gear for rider or horse
  • Donating any bric-a-brac
  • Donating any raffle prizes
  • Sponsoring veterinary work, hay-making, this newsletter, the open day, a rescued horse or pony, the rescue vehicle
  • Purchasing hay or straw
  • Helping in the yard, mucking out, feeding, watering, etc
  • Writing supportive letters/articles to the media
  • Writing articles or poetry for our newsletter
  • Having a fund-raising stall e.g at a boot fair/village fair
  • Telling us your own fund-raising idea.

And finally, “Let’s Do Business”

Let’s do Business is the name of a regular one-day exhibition that is well established and takes place in Eastbourne, Hastings and other towns,” writes Tony. “Every year we ask the organisers if we can have a free charity stall, but they won’t allow that. Having a presence at the Eastbourne event would enable us to inspire both visitors and other business stallholders to sponsor or link with us. The cost for a small stand would be about £300 to £400. Could you sponsor a small stand there for us or help cover the cost?”

Donkeys from Greece

Donkeys from Greece

Brownbread Horse Rescue and Disabled Riders’ Centre, Brown Bread St, Ashburnham, Battle TN33 9NX.  Tel: 01424 892381.


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Posted 14:38 Wednesday, Mar 23, 2016 In: Grassroots

Also in: Grassroots

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