Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

Coronavirus daily statistical update: signs of levelling out in South East’s profile

As the coronavirus works its way towards peak effect, HOT is providing a daily update of the statistics for our region provided by the public health authorities. Numbers of confirmed cases, deaths and hospital bed occupation are all showing signs of plateauing. An interactive chart and map are now included in the update. Text and charts by Russell Hall.

There were 336 confirmed Covid-19 cases to 12 April in East Sussex, an increase of 19 on the previous day, and 33 Covid-19 deaths recorded in East Sussex to 11 April, with no new deaths recorded yesterday.

The interactive chart below has four tabs showings the key East Sussex statistics.

The number of people in hospital beds in the South East region stood at 2,007 yesterday, a drop of 24 on the previous day. This number is within 100 of 2,000 for the fifth day running, indicating that this number may be plateauing.

Public Health England reported that as of 9am on 12 April, 350,575 tests had concluded, with 18,000 tests carried out on 11 April. A total of 42,812 NHS and social care staff and their families have now been tested.

A total of 282,374 people have been tested, of whom 84,279 (29.8%) tested positive.

As of 5pm on 11 April, of those hospitalised in the UK who tested positive for coronavirus, 10,621 have died, equivalent to 12.6% of those testing positive.

Today health secretary Matt Hancock said that yesterday 19,945 people with Covid-19 were in hospital in Great Britain, but that the number of hospitalised patients was still within capacity, with 2,295 spare critical care beds available, an increase of 150 since the previous day.

Hancock also said that the UK now has 9,775 ventilators and over 5,000 former NHS workers have returned to the frontline, with over 36,000 coming forward.

In the last two days 120,000 gowns – the item of personal protection equipment (PPE) most needed by healthcare workers – have been delivered. The average time to deal with PPE requests has dropped from six days in March to 2.5 days over the past week

There are significant differences in the number of cumulative confirmed cases around England. Of 150 Upper Tier Local Authority areas Birmingham has seen the highest number of confirmed cases at 1,774, and Rutland the lowest, at nine. East Sussex is the 78th highest.

The interactive map below shows the number of confirmed cases across English Upper Tier Local Authority areas.


A number of caveats need to be borne in mind regarding the statistics:

1. With respect to testing, cases are reported when lab tests are completed, which may be a few days after initial testing.
2. Testing capacity is increasing, resulting in a greater number of observed cases.
3. Testing capacity constraints mean there are likely many more cases than currently recorded here.
4. Deaths include only those in hospital and exclude those in the community and care homes.
5. There is a delay in many deaths being recorded from a few days to up to two weeks.
6. Deaths tend to be recorded around three weeks after first symptoms in fatal cases.

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Posted 22:21 Sunday, Apr 12, 2020 In: Covid-19

Also in: Covid-19

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