Photo: St Michael’s Hospice.
St Michael’s Hospice needs you – for the Hastings Half Marathon
The Hastings Half Marathon will be run on Sunday 23 March, a great opportunity for local charities to boost their fundraising by recruiting sponsored runners to support them. Well ahead of the competition this year, at least in notifying HOT of their intentions, was St Michael’s Hospice, as Nick Terdre reports.
“Join the team of St Michael’s Hospice runners and be part of something special in 2025,” says Lottie Adams-Brown, the hospice’s marketing and communications assistant.
“Whether you’re a regular Hastings Half runner or love a challenge, this event is for you.”
Each runner will receive a free runner’s reward bag to help their recovery, a St Michael’s Hospice running vest or t-shirt to wear on the day, plus all the cake you can manage in the Hospice marquee, Lottie adds. There will be a group from the Hospice ready to support and cheer you on during race day – Sunday 23 March 2025.
You can register to run here, then contact the Hospice’s Fundraising team to let them know you’ve signed up on 01424 456396 or by email.
One veteran supporter is Sylvia, who with her family has been running the Hastings Half Marathon for the Hospice since the race began in 1984. After a career as a healthcare professional, and having volunteered for the Hospice over many years, Sylvia has seen at first hand the difference it makes.
“We are committed to supporting the hospice so they can continue providing the vital and exceptional care they offer,” she says.
If you have an active youngster who fancies their chances in the mini-race for seven to 16-year-olds, and would like to support the Hospice, just let them know by email and they will provide funky accessories like colourful headbands and sunglasses. Young runners will also get a runner’s reward bag with treats inside to help them recover.
About St Michael’s Hospice
St Michael’s Hospice provides palliative care for the terminally ill, and support for their families and loved ones, enabling the communities of Hastings and Rother to live well with dying, death and loss.
It is reliant on fundraising for most of its income.
If you are a local charity looking for sponsored supporters to raise money for your cause, let HOT know and we will help publicise your cause. Include some information on your charity and the story of a regular supporter or beneficiary,and don’t forget, we always need photos!
You can contact us on hot@hastingsonlinetimes.co.uk.
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