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Stop the Silence campaigners rally to the cause in Bexhill.

Stop the Silence campaigners rally to the cause in Bexhill.

Stop the Silence campaign in Bexhill

A Stop the Silence group is making its presence felt in Bexhill ahead of a protest march over Brexit in London next weekend. Their rallying cry is: “The people are speaking. Is Parliament listening?” Nick Terdre reports.

The Bexhill group is advertising its campaign of concerns over Brexit with a billboard poster on the London Road.

“The poster is part of the national Stop the Silence campaign which aims to influence the character and quality of debate in Parliament over the next two years, in a way which fully engages and involves the views of the entire electorate, much of which has diverse expectations of the Brexit process,” they say.

A small group of local supporters turned up on Sunday 12 March to promote the campaign. “The campaign represents both remain and leave voters who are unhappy with the government’s interpretation of the result,” they say. “Those who feel they have no voice and their concerns are not being listened to.

“They did not vote to leave the single market or alienate EU citizens. They did not vote for MPs to vote against their better judgement. They did not vote for hatred to rise and silence groups.”

“The Stop the Silence campaign gives everyone a voice. Now we need to ensure that parliament listens.”

The day after their action, Parliament gave approval for Mrs May’s government to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon treaty to start the process of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union.

Stop the Silence supports the national march on Parliament organised by Unite For Europe. This will take place on Saturday 25 March, starting from Park Lane at 11am.

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Posted 16:54 Tuesday, Mar 14, 2017 In: Campaigns


  1. DAR

    “Remoaners” are perfectly entitled to express their opinions so let them waste their energy. We’ve all heard their fury, warnings blah blah blah constantly since the referendum result and we’re still going to leave the EU: that won’t change. The EU referendum of last year was actually the most democratic event we’ve had in the UK since…the referendum on the same issue in 1975! The First Past The Post (FPTP) system we have to elect a government does not truly reflect the diversity of political opinion in terms of percentages and MPs so you could argue that we’ve never had a legitimate government whereas the two EU referendums have been rare exceptions of a truly democratic process where every vote counts…and is therefore more legitimate than general election outcomes. As to “wrong” decisions, that’s a purely subjective point of view. And as for “The people are speaking”….er, the MAJORITY of those people who bothered to vote HAVE spoken, and they voted to leave the EU…single market, customs union and all – and now Parliament is listening and acting on that vote.

    Comment by DAR — Thursday, Mar 16, 2017 @ 10:01

  2. Stewart Rayment

    Democracies can make the wrong decisions – frequently, especially when the people are lied to, constantly. Sorry Ms Doubtfire, this is a wake up call for you and all of the other sorry Brexiteers.

    Comment by Stewart Rayment — Thursday, Mar 16, 2017 @ 08:54

  3. Ms. Doubtfire

    Incredible! I did not vote for Tony Blair when he was elected but I didn’t go round shouting that the election should be cancelled and another one launched. Whatever your feelings about Brexit it was a democratic decision.
    It is a fact however that whatever the outcome of any election, the public never have a say in what happens next. It’s nothing new. Shameful though it is, that is how it is.

    Comment by Ms. Doubtfire — Wednesday, Mar 15, 2017 @ 09:25

  4. Neil

    Good for them! Brexit is a disaster towards which the country is being dragged without any realisation of the consequences. Glad to see people sticking up for the right thing.

    Comment by Neil — Tuesday, Mar 14, 2017 @ 19:20

Also in: Campaigns

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