Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Women's Voice: Supporting women in Hastings and St Leonards

Women’s Voice: Supporting women in Hastings and St Leonards

International Women’s Day in Hastings!

Women’s Voice invites women to join them in celebrating International Women’s Day on Sunday 8 March from 1pm – 3pm at Central Hall, Bank Buildings (between 1066 Bakery and The Body Shop) in the town centre. The theme is women and the environment and guest speaker will be Councillor Maya Evans, cabinet member for climate change, biodiversity and sustainable development. Ann Kramer, chair of Women’s Voice, writes about the upcoming event, and future plans for Women’s Voice.

‘We chose women and the environment for our theme this year, not just because the climate emergency is one of the fundamental issues of our day but also because worldwide women and families so often bear the brunt of environmental damage.

Shared cooking and eating

Shared cooking and eating

“Maya is an inspiring and knowledgeable speaker and we’re hoping that women will put their heads together and come up with some sort of action plan for what we, as women, can do locally to combat climate change and work towards a greener and more sustainable future.

“There will be information stalls, refreshments and Carol Prior will be providing music and entertainment. It should be a good day and we hope lots of women will turn up. As per usual, we will be holding our usual procession around town before the event, so women who would like to take part should assemble at Central Hall at mid-day. Women should feel free to dress up as endangered species, or as women from history or any flamboyant way they would like to.



‘From 4pm, Women’s Voice will be holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) where we will be talking about what we’ve been doing over the last 12 months and what our plans are for the coming year. It is also the time when we choose officers, and committee members and we would welcome women to come along to this.

‘One of our long-held aims is to get a women’s centre off the ground in Hastings and St Leonards. We believe there is a very real need for a women’s information centre or hub, where women can come to discuss issues of importance to them, to access information about services and a place where we can also run events and workshops. We see this as our main priority for the coming year, not least because austerity cuts have impacted so heavily on women.

“So if women have any ideas about a women’s centre or would like to be involved in trying to set one up, we would be very happy to hear from you with your ideas.’

For more information about Women’s Voice or to get in touch, email Or visit our Facebook page: Hastings Women’s Voice.

“Women’s Voice is never short of ideas and projects but what we do need is more women and activists to get involved, so if there are women out there who would like to get involved with Women’s Voice we would be happy to welcome you. Do please come along and let us know.

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Posted 09:00 Monday, Mar 2, 2020 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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