Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper
Photo by Claudine Eccleston

Photo by Claudine Eccleston

HOT Style: Meet Emma

Spotted at See Spray Gallery, 153 Queens Road. HOT Style-Seeker, Claudine Eccleston, reports on Emma’s ‘devil may care style.’

What brings you to Hastings? Where do you live?

I’ve lived in St Leonard’s for over 18 years. I came for the opening of my partner’s new gallery and show. I was so excited and ended up smelling of fish from preparing  the buffet, so had to run home and change.

How do you usually spend your time? What do you do? Job? Fun?

I run my own cleaning business and I’m a full time mum, so I don’t have a lot of free time. I like to do things with the family and with friends. Not a lot of people know this, but I’m a bass player in an experimental noise group along with Sexton Ming and one half of Royal Blood. We play whenever we can. Look out for our upcoming gig at the See Spray Gallery in November.

Where do you usually buy your clothes?  Why?2IMG_E1266 (1)

I get lots from charity shops because I can buy more unusual outfits. I’m not going to turn up at a party in the same dress as someone else. I like to think I have a personal-dresser-come-stylist, as my partner also gets me lots of amazing clothes from charity shops. They are more affordable and I like to support local charities. We both support local charities with our time and money. If I have money to spare, which is rare, then I love clothes from Charles of London.

How would you describe your style? Your outfit?It’s simple and uncomplicated. A Charles of London shift dress. I love it and wore it tonight because I was desperate to wear my pink and purple shoes. I love this dress and look, it’s like two completely different dresses, different back and front. This one is designed by Susan Diamond and goes great with my shoes.

What are your favourite clothes?

My Terry De Havilland shoes are my absolute favourite. I like my clothes comfy and I have a kaftan style dress I wear a lot. It’s both comfy and colourful. It’s easy to wash. It’s naff material but washes so well and could be ready to wear in an hour. Perfect for a busy life.

Emma with the designer, and artist, Susan Diamond. Photo by Claudine Eccleston

Emma with the designer, and artist, Susan Diamond. Photo by Claudine Eccleston

Where do you get your inspiration for your look? Do you have a favourite designer?

It’s just literally, love it, wear it. I don’t care who made it or where it came from – if I love it, I’ll wear it. It could even come from a supermarket. I’m not fussy like that. If I had to name a designer then it would be Cath Kidson and Charles of London. I’ve got a farm yard animals dress that I got from my mother-in-law and of course, this little beauty from Charles of London.

If you were to give style advice, what would it be?

If you love it, wear it: it doesn’t matter what other people think. Wear what makes you feel happy, comfortable and confident. I’d tell my children not to follow trends. Choose style over fashion. What you choose to wear can and should reflect your personality. Young people can lose their sense of personality and individuality by choosing to dress the same.

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Posted 23:59 Saturday, Oct 13, 2018 In: HOT Style

Also in: HOT Style

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