Artwork: Ursula at ESC
Sustainability on Sea: 22-30 September!
Sustainability… makes sense, n’est-ce pas? This week of events, jointly organised by Transition Town Hastings (TTH) and Energise Sussex Coast (ESC), is celebrating all things sustainable in our local area: gathering together as many of the organisations who are already thinking in sustainable terms. Starting with the ocean symposium, culminating in a big festival day and with all sorts of good stuff happening in between, you are very welcome to come along, check things out and get involved.
TTH and ESC warmly and enthusiastically introduce you to Sustainability on Sea, a new micro festival focusing on sustainable initiatives across Hastings and St Leonards on Sea.

Fantastic event for this area to host!
The 1st Ocean Symposium in Hastings: Saturday 22 September
The United Nations Association of Hastings and Bexhill, in partnership with various local organisations, will present the first Ocean Symposium at St Mary in the Castle. The symposium will include a number of expert speakers and a short film narrated by Sir David Attenborough, plus talks on oceans and global issues. Book tickets today!
Sustainable economic systems: Wednesday 26 September 6-7.30pm
See the HOT article: ‘Economics as if people and planet matter’.

Previous solar charger making workshop
DIY Solar Charger Workshop, Wednesday 26 September, 10am-5pm
Ever wondered just what goes on inside a solar panel? Ready to take clean energy into your own hands? Stumped by watts, amps and volts? Fascinated by the future of power? Spend a day with Demand Energy Equality who will help you make your very own solar panel with charger from scratch which you can take home.
Tickets for this workshop are £80. You can sign up by paying a £20 deposit. Once we have enough people signed up, we will release full price tickets. BOOK NOW!

Previous renewable energy workshop
Free Renewable Energy Workshop: Thursday 27 September, 10am-1pm
An introduction to renewable energy, with a particular focus on Solar PV. We will look at some of the different technologies and how they work. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each one and look at community energy and the potential locally for more community-owned renewable energy generation.
A friendly and fun look at learning about renewables. Suitable for beginners up, everyone is invited to contribute their knowledge and expertise to the discussions. Funded by the EU Interreg Climate Active Neighborhoods project. Book your FREE place today.

Fantastic celebration of all things sustainable
Big Green Fair – Sunday 30 September, 11am-4pm
The final day of the festival on the Stade Open Space and the Stade Hall. Expect a variety of stall holders selling eco wares as well as information stalls focused on the following themes:
TRANSPORT including Bike Lab Hastings, Sustainable Transport Forum, Hastings Greenway Group and Co-Wheels.
WASTE including Refill Hastings, Hastings Furniture Service, One Small Shop and Handmade by Juliette.
ENERGY including OVESCO, Energise Sussex Coast and Our Power, and Divest East Sussex.
FOOD including Pea Pod Veg and Eve Apple Press, as well as workshops from Hastings Fermentory and Hastings Food Hub.
HOUSING including Radical Routes network of housing co-ops, workers’ co-ops and social centres and Heart of Hastings.
Drop by for our programme of talks and demos on composting, plastic recycling, sustainable housing, Alexander Technique, Transition Town movement and permaculture in the garden.
There will be yarn bombing, a knitted seaside scene, music, children’s workshops on seed planting and pompom making and more.
Don’t miss this final day of what we hope will be an inspiring and informative micro festival!
This event is supported by the EU Interreg Climate Active Neighbourhood project.
Read more about the whole festival and all the events at Sustainability on Sea: Sustainable, wise, thought-ful and heart-ful, fair, clean, green living, playing and working in Hastings and St Leonards-on-Sea. FOR US ALL!
For other relevant HOT articles, search HOT under the following keywords: Hastings Sustainable Transport Forum, Energise Sussex Coast, 1066 Local Energy, The Ocean Symposium, Sea Vax.
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Also in: Energy Wise
« Energising energy event!Hastings joins day of climate change action »