Household sustainability: how to save the planet and your money.
Free TTH sustainability talk
The Transition Town Hastings team have invited Ian Smith from Transition Energy to give a talk on Household Sustainability: How to Save the Planet and Your Money.
This FREE talk will explore the concept of sustainability at the household level, ranging across issues such as food supply, waste management, energy and water use. The talk will also look at transport of people and goods.
Ian has over 30 years’ experience in the electricity industry, mainly developing power generating projects. He’s worked with renewable energy systems for over 10 years, has held directorships of various companies including Thames Valley Power Limited and is currently a director of Energise Sussex Coast.
Ian has an MSc degree in Renewable Energy and the Built Environment and has acted as sustainable energy adviser to various public and not-for-profit organisations including Commonwork Trust, Local Partnerships and various community groups. Email Ian at transitionenergy@gmail.com
The talk will take place at Nico’s Kitchen, where places are limited to 20 people. Disabled access. The cafe will be open from 12pm, when you can buy drinks or lunch afterwards.
To book, please contact info@transitiontownhastings.org.uk
For more information about Transition Town Hastings, check out the TTH website.
Talk on Household Sustainability: How to Save the Planet and Your Money: April 16 2016, 11am – 12:30pm at Nico’s Kitchen (The Roomz), 33 Western Road, St Leonards, TN37 6DJ. For adults and children over 14.
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Also in: Energy Wise
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