Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Co-wheels Car Club

Co-wheels Car Club

Co-Wheels Car Club launches in Hastings

Co-Wheels is excited to announce that two small Toyota Aygo low-emission cars are now available to hire from Russell St Car Park, located on the service road behind Russell and Barrett and other shops on Queens Road. 

The two Co-Wheels Car Club vehicles in their designated spaces in Russell Street car park.

The two Co-Wheels Car Club vehicles in their designated spaces in Russell Street car park.

Two new low emission Toyota Aygo cars are now available for residents to hire in central Hastings, as part of a ‘pay-as-you-drive’ car club.

Hastings is the latest car club location to be launched by Co-wheels, the UK’s only independent car club operator, which runs successful car sharing schemes in over 60 locations across the UK. The scheme in unprecedented in the town, and allows residents to have short term access to vehicles in an affordable and convenient way.

Residents and businesses can join the car club for a one-off fee of £25, which then allows them to quickly book cars online, and unlock them with a smartcard. Keys are kept in the car, and mileage and bookings are tracked with an on-board computer. At the end of the booking time, the car is returned to its bay.

The car club in Hastings has been brought about by high demand from environmentally-minded residents and community groups, including Transition Town Hastings, who have used car clubs elsewhere, and are keen to bring the model to Hastings. The council are not financing the scheme, but have provided two parking bays in Russell Street Car Park, where the cars have permits.

The two cars in Hastings can be hired from 30mins up to several days at a time, and are charged at £4.50/hr + 15p mile, which included insurance and fuel. This enables huge savings to be made on the cost of driving compared to car ownership, and studies show that anyone driving less than 6,000 miles per year could save money by switching to using a car club. Car clubs also help to lower emissions and improve air quality in towns, as well as adding social value by providing access to cars for those unable to afford their own, or who need a second car occasionally.

How does it work?

The cars car be booked online from 30 minutes to several days at a time, and are charged at £4.50/hr + 15p/mile, with discounted overnight and daily rates. Insurance and fuel are included, so you only pay for what you use. Join with £10 credit.

It’s quick and easy to join the club. Fill out the online application form and do a quick online licence check, and you’ll be sent a welcome pack with your smartcard in the post.

The smartcard will allow you to unlock the car via a windscreen card reader – and the key will be in the glove box. Once you’re finished, you just reverse the process.

If you have further questions about the Co-Wheels car club or how it works, check out prices and FAQs on the Co-Wheels website or call on 0191 3751050.

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Posted 19:16 Monday, Apr 25, 2016 In: Energy Wise


  1. gary

    Great idea. I’ve signed up and hope enough others do to enable the scheme to thrive and spread across to St Leonards.

    Comment by gary — Thursday, May 5, 2016 @ 19:28

  2. Barbara

    Sorry, that should be Holland & Barrett.

    Comment by Barbara — Monday, May 2, 2016 @ 11:28

  3. Barbara

    PS In case you don’t know Russell Street, it is the service road behind Russell and Barrett and other shops on Queens Road.

    Comment by Barbara — Thursday, Apr 28, 2016 @ 09:56

  4. Barbara

    I have had my first drive in one of these cars and they are lovely. It is important to the future of the car club here, and getting cars into St Leonards and other parts of town, that people join co-wheels and start using the cars as soon as possible.

    I would be happy to demonstrate how this works – booking online, opening the cars, driving them (very simple). anyone interested, please email me on

    This also applies to Council staff who can now use these cars for travel around the area instead of bringing their own cars in and then claiming for mileage.

    Comment by Barbara — Thursday, Apr 28, 2016 @ 09:54

  5. Barbara

    I have had the first ride in one of these cars – I am not a car person but these are beauties. If you are interested in seeing how this works I will be happy to do a small demonstration: booking online, opening the car and driving it away…

    It is important to the viability of these cars, and expansion to other parts of Hastings and St Leonards, that people join co-wheels and start using the cars ASAP. In particular, Council staff can now use the cars for travel around the area and that means they do not need to bring their own car into town if they are near public transport.

    Anyone interested in a demonstration, please email me on

    Comment by Barbara — Thursday, Apr 28, 2016 @ 09:51

Also in: Energy Wise

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