Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

TARA REDDY wanders in the magical garden of Glenn’s life

Walking through Glenn’s garden we talked about tadpoles and the circle of life, about the garden, its enclosed rooms that he has created and their leafy canopy roofs and how beautiful nature was and how his garden had evolved from a bare sloping lawn to an enchanted grotto.

As we stood in the dusk it was a magical experience and that is the core of what Glenn creates in all aspects of his life. “People coming for the first time are amazed, I know they think they have come to the wrong place until they walk through the door and into the garden”

For the past 25 give or take a few years Glenn and his wife Kath have opened the doors of their Hollington home and put on the renowned “Garden Party” which has become another of Hastings quirky yearly traditions.

Being superb hosts the parties are hugely attended and everyone is made welcome to enjoy a happy evening in beautiful surroundings embraced by music and plenty of good will.

“I love my garden and it brings me much happiness, life can be very stressful, so if I can share it and make everyone happy for one night then that is fantastic.I don’t mind if people bring their friends along as long as everyone is happy and if everyone leaves remembering a good time then that is what it is all about.”

And as you watch the films he has made and listen to the music he loves and share a moment with Glenn then what becomes clear is that he strives to capture joy. All the flickers of smiles and the laughter in eyes, shared moments in time which has bound the Hastings community together, these things he saves.

“The Beatles were famous”

When Glenn was 17 he headed off to Europe, “in those days you could leave with £5 in your hand and you would survive, the Beatles were famous and everyone loved the English at that time!”

He was trained as a Printer but his passion was for more physical work. With a family to support he went to Germany and did well for himself in the Building Trade.“I don’t see things as hard work. I enjoy the action of doing, even if it is washing up. I see mixing ballast as a work out. I do not need to pay to go to the gym. Everything you do you should enjoy the action of doing.”

His over bounding enthusiasm for life is infectious and as he believes anything is possible with just a little love you can’t help but believe him.

Free-style documentaries

It is not hard to see the inspiration for his work. His wife, his family, and his friends are all celebrated in his free style documentaries, crowned by the passion he has for music with which he overlays his imagery and sets against the backdrop of Hastings, the town he loves.

Glenn and his wife Kath have lived all their lives in Hastings. They met and courted here. They have been married for 40 years and are a loving family who are very well loved and respected by the Old Town and very much at the heart of the community.

Last year when they and their family suffered a terrible tragedy losing their son, Luke, the whole community grieved with them.

Hopefully the love and laughter that they have shared with all those who have come into their lives will reflect back upon them and help them cope with their loss. Watching Glenn’s films and his uncanny honesty and open approach has been an inspiration for many and has added true value to the importance of community which has made Hastings a unique and magical place.

Above: a peek at the family album

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Posted 09:50 Friday, Dec 4, 2009 In: Hastings People

Also in: Hastings People

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