Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
One of the works in the exhibition.

One of the works in the exhibition.

Pictures at an exhibition

It’s time for Fairlight Art Group’s annual art show and wine and cheese evening. Nick Terdre reports.

This will take place on Saturday 18 May, from 6 to 9pm, in Fairlight Village Hall, Broadway, Fairlight TN35. Tickets are £4 in advance and £5 on the door.

The exhibition continues on Sunday 19 from 10.30am to 4pm, when entry is free.

IMG_0788 350“We are a thriving group of over 25 local, talented artists from the Fairlight and Hastings areas,” says convenor Carol Ardley.

“We meet in the village hall every Thursday afternoon at 2.30 during term times. We have a good selection of demonstrations and workshops throughout the year as well as painting afternoons. New members are welcome whatever standard.

“Our annual show is a regular social event each year and a fun evening where you can peruse our work whilst enjoying a glass of wine.”


For more information on the group, or for tickets for the wine and cheese evening, call Carol on 01424814178. Tickets are also available from Fairlight Post Office.

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Posted 12:24 Saturday, May 11, 2019 In: Visual Arts

Also in: Visual Arts

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