Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper


My confidence crisis, my humiliation, my loneliness, my confusion

 John Knowles

Small dreams that falter and fall

Set traps to make a fool of us all

And bigger dreamers fall further

In this slow dance of murther


And I have watched you dance

Weave tales of love, loss and chance

Have been enthralled to you

And the things that you do


And in this slump, this hollow, this pit

Where life is unremarkably shit

A confidence of crisis, humiliation, confusion

Loneliness and dreams in diffusion


I hold out my hand to say

You are not alone in this sway

What can be a fall into thin air

Can be turned into a tour en l’aire.


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Posted 12:16 Monday, Aug 12, 2013 In: Poetry

Also in: Poetry

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