Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

solve along 350Your chance to solve a murder mystery with Tim Benzie

Friday 29 November sees the return to St Mary in the Castle of Tim Benzie’s Solve Along A Murder, She Wrote, your chance to hone your skills as an amateur sleuth. Nick Terdre describes the show.

Tim Benzie is obsessed with Murder, She Wrote, the American TV crime drama starring Angela Lansbury as amateur detective Jessica Fletcher. Having watched the original series when it was first broadcast, Tim now relishes the frequent repeats on television.

He also devised his own spin-off, with permission from NBC Universal Television, in which members of the audience can pit their wits against Cabot Cove’s famous amateur sleuth in a race to be first to reveal the murderer.

Solve Along A Murder She Wrote celebrates everything 1980s television mysteries had to offer – contrived scenarios! no DNA evidence! massive hair! has-been guest stars!

Hosted by Tim Benzie, the evening features:

  • A race to solve to the crime, via the Fameometer and the Suspiciometer!
  • A sing-along to the theme tune with new lyrics!
  • A Cabot Cove quiz and raffle!
  • Clips and biogs of the campy guest stars!

Solve Along A Murder She Wrote premiered at London’s Royal Vauxhall Tavern in August 2018 and has since played to sold-out houses across the UK in Birmingham, Bristol, Brighton, Southampton and at the Prince Charles cinema in Leicester Square. The show has also toured Australia and is one of Time Out’s London’s 50 Great Nights Out 2019.

Tim Benzie is an award-winning playwright and co-writer of the Royal Vauxhall Tavern’s 2017, 2018 and 2019 pantos, Goosed, Rubbed and Slipped. He is also the co-producer of the camp club night PopHorror.


Solve Along a Murder, She Wrote Friday 29 November, 7.30pm, St Mary in the Castle, 7 Pelham Crescent, Hastings TN34 3AF. Tickets £10 online or £12 on the door.

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Posted 10:53 Wednesday, Nov 27, 2019 In: Performance

Also in: Performance

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