SNUG with Hog the Hedgehog
Interactive Theatre Show SNUG comes to Hastings this Half-Term
Meet Hog the Hedgehog at The Bright Foundation from Monday 12 February – Friday 16 February. It’s winter and Hog is really cold. This little hedgehog needs somewhere cosy to snuggle up – but where? Kate Hodges writes.
This half-term, SNUGgle up at The Barn Theatre at The Bright Foundation, Hastings, in this interactive, exploratory experience and theatre show that gently leads audiences into the heart of a magical wintery forest. There, they will meet Hog the Hedgehog looking for a warm place to sleep and the animals who help the little critter find a cosy home.

Interactive show
Created by Slot Machine Theatre (BlinK BlonK, Kipper’s Snowy Day, Miki), SNUG is set in a specially designed space where real trees, undulating hills, far-reaching vistas, and a beautiful soundtrack instantly transport audiences to a magical forest, a place to explore the inviting textures, ambient soundscapes and even smells of a natural woodland.
At the heart of each experience is a 20-minute storytelling performance, which brings to life the book written specifically for this piece. It’s a story rooted in the natural world and a way for very young children to learn about the wildlife on their own doorsteps.

Audience appreciation
Although the show is aimed at 0-4-year-olds, SNUG will appeal to all members of the family, an experience for everyone from the youngest to oldest to share, and is a wonderfully peaceful introduction to theatre.
After the storytelling performance, audiences are invited to enjoy an outdoor animal trail around The Bright Foundation’s pond (wellies advised!) and craft activities in the museum.
The show will be presented in English but recordings of the story in Ukrainian, Polish, and Urdu are available.
Relaxed performances at 10:30 on Tuesday and 2:00 on Thursday
“My one-year-old sat and watched entranced, and both my daughters loved climbing and exploring the setting.”
“What a fantastic, immersive first theatre performance. Thank you.”
SNUG was made sustainably following the Theatre Green Book.
Performances at 10.30am – 12noon and 2:00 – 3.30pm
£8 adults / £5 children + booking fee (or £5 adults / £3 children for those on state benefits)
Find The Bright Foundation at: Rodgers Farm Stonestile Lane Hastings TN35 4PH.
Find out more about Slot Machine Theatre here.

Audience concentration on the show
Feedback from a previous production in December at The Point in Eastleigh:
What the kids had to say:
“[Very] magnificent and beautiful”
“Amazing work!”
“It was great! Well done!”
“What a wonderful day, and Christmas”
“Best kids’ show I’ve seen. Thank you”
“I love the hedgehog”
“Amazing. Brilliant. Enjoyed it so much.”
“I had a good time”
“I loved the songs”
“It was fun.”
“I loved it, it made me cry!”
“Amazing, I loved it!”
“The best kids’ show I’ve ever seen.”
What the Adults had to say:
“A lovely area for kids this Christmas”
“Fantastic. My little boy felt included.”
“[Noah, Nana and Auntie Gracie] all enjoyed this performance! Thank you!”
“A magical story and production for children and adults. The forest was beautiful. Thank you”
“Absolutely magical!”
“So brilliant. Well performed and a joy to watch”
“We were taken to a magical world – thank you”
“Bigger children loved it”
“What a fantastic immersive first theatre experience! Thank You”
“Beautiful. Lovely Performance. We really loved it, thank you”
“Amazing idea and creation! Thank you!”
“What a lovely place to come. Storyteller was fab!!”
“Amazing! Loved it! Presenter was superb, lovely scenery and story. Fun for adults and children alike. Snug is snug.”
“What a lovely story and way to captivate the children.”
“Lovely show and space for Christmas”
“Really lovely little play”
“What a magical, exciting and memorable afternoon! Thank you”
“We all really enjoyed it – lovely story and perfect for little kids. Sitting amongst the set is fun for a 2 + 5 year old”
“Creative, engaging, beautiful! 2-year-old hasn’t sat down that long ever! Thank you!”
“It was an amazing experience. My little one really enjoyed it.”
“I had a good time”
“My 1-year-old at and watched entranced, and both my daughters loved climbing and exploring the setting”
“A wonderful way to spend an hour! My 4-year-old was transfixed by the story.”
“This was lovely to come to today. Thank you for putting this on for the kiddies.”
“Wonderful performance and experience. Thank you!”
“We really loved the story. It made us feel snuggly!”
“Lovely performance! Had my 1-year-old mesmerised and he doesn’t often sit still! Thank you”
“Wow!! Absolutely wonderful, magical and beautifully performed.”
“So lovely! My little one really believed the story!”
“Really amazing! Thank you for putting on such an amazing activity for little ones (and no expectation to pay!)”
“What a wonderful morning.”
“Brilliant. Thank you so much! My 2-year-old really enjoyed it!”
“Fantastic! Please advertise future events in local libraries too”
“Really lovely idea, please do it again next year. Thank you”
“Brilliant! So much fun, amazing set up and lovely performance. We had so much fun!”

SNUG and Hog the Hedgehog
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