Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper



by John Knowles

As a performer and promoter, I am constantly faced with a unique problem – the something for nothing brigade. For some reason people seem happy to part with hard earned cash for drinks and food at events and even take taxis home, but they still expect their entertainment for free. But who pays the performer? Well if you are lucky, really lucky, you’ll get paid by the venue up-front, no questions asked and in big folding notes. Sadly, so often bands and performers get a split of bar takings or a split of any door fees and too often this is such a small amount that it is almost an insult to receive and all too often, they do it for love. But love doesn’t pay the petrol or the rent and whilst most of us are more than happy to do several charity gigs a year, there has to come a point where charity begins at home.

So in an attempt to break the mould and create some kind of logical and workable scheme, I am suggesting ‘Con£ribute’. A town wide scheme whereby venues putting on bands and performers with no charge on the door (whilst still giving a bar split) make a clear signal to customers that they would like / welcome a contribution. A voluntary contribution of say £3.00, the price of a drink in most venues, doesn’t sound a lot does it, for a whole evening of great music or comedy or poetry? But £3.00 a head from just 30 people is £90.00, which when added to the bar split or ticket share begins to make a wage of sorts.

In practice, it would mean a shared logo being used on posters / flyers for venues and bands using the scheme or even a window sticker on venues who regularly put on bands for free. I have no doubt there are reasons why this won’t work and somebody will point out why… On the other hand, it does sound remarkably simple, doesn’t it.




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Posted 18:17 Tuesday, Jun 11, 2013 In: Performance

Also in: Performance

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