Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
The Tiger Lillies  photo Arnold Poeshl

The Tiger Lillies, photo Arnold Poeshl

Tiger Lillies at the Stade

Entertainment this Saturday July 6 at the Stade Open Space, Old Town, is provided by cult alternative cabaret trio the Tiger Lillies. HOT’s John Knowles previews the show.

If you are fan of Brechtian punk cabaret, then these are the founding fathers and for those of us who dabble in the darker side of life, they are the masters of their trade. In the world of the Tiger Lillies, filth, dirt, disease, prostitution, death, decay, murder and freaks abound, even their love songs reek of cum stained sheets and back alleys. But, with what beauty they sing their filth, with what artistry they create their world of  Soho backstreet’s.

The Tiger Lillies are probably most famous for their theatrical production Shockhead Peter and of late have produced both Hamlet and The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner (some of which we are sure to get at the Stade), both of which I would rate as amongst the best theatrical works I have ever seen. They are not to everyone’s taste and the better for it.

The Tiger Lillies portray a world that some may find too dark, too blasphemous, too disturbing. But the Tiger Lilies portray a world of low-life with aching beauty, and if they shine a light on the hypocrisy of the church and of power, then they do so with consummate skill and theatrical visionary zeal. Quite simply they are demonically divine and we are lucky to have them here for free.

To get a foretaste of their music go to:

Tiger Lillies: free concert at Stade Open Space, Saturday 6 July, 7.30pm.

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Posted 15:23 Wednesday, Jul 3, 2013 In: Music & Sound

Also in: Music & Sound

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