Sparkly Bird
Sparkly Bird takes flight
This year, Sparkly Bird, a 12 song cycle telling a harrowing true story, has expanded, spread its wings a little, and now has 2 new dancers, Joanna Poulton, and Ruby Chadwick. Sparkly Bird, the emotional story of a woman’s fight with depression and ultimate suicide, now has dance throughout, as well as visuals, lightshow and live music. Local resident, Kat Lee Ryan, talented singer, songwriter and musician is the creator of this heartfelt performance.
“I think this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen or experienced.
Thank you – I think this will save my life.”
A story close to Kat’s heart
On 7 December 2004, a 43 year old woman hung herself from her loft stairs. She was found hours later by her husband, who had no idea that she was anything but content. She had a beautiful home, good marriage, lovely son and a rewarding job, so what caused her to do such a violent and destructive act?
Sparkly Bird is the collection of evidence, the examination of cause and motive, and the journey her family took to find peace for themselves.
On Wednesday 6 September 6 from 7.30pm, this will be performed at The Stables: Sparkly Bird, as part of the Hastings Fringe Festival.
Buy tickets here. £10/£8 concessions.
This will be the first time for Kat Lee Ryan, her dancers and musicians at The Stables Theatre – and they’re really looking forward to the performance.
The Fabulous Red Diesel
Kat Lee Ryan is also lead singer with The Fabulous Red Diesel, who are playing at The Rye Jazz and Blues festival on 28 August, bank holiday Monday, from 1pm-3pm at The Buttermarket in Rye .
Previous HOT article on Sparkly Bird.
The Fabulous Red Diesel Soundcloud.
The Fabulous Red Diesel website.
The Fabulous Red Diesel Facebook Page (including video footage).
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Also in: Music & Sound
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