Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Local writer reaches final of BBC competition

Budding TV script writer Dee Williamson, who lives in St Leonards, is one of just eight writers invited to attend a residential development week with BBC producers, working on her sitcom idea.

This is the second time in four months that Dee has been shortlisted in a national BBC TV writing competition. The first time was in May when she submitted a 30 page sitcom script to the BBC’s Laugh Track competition, judged by the likes of Dawn French. Dee’s script beat over 800 entries to reach the last 13, and she was rewarded with a comedy Masterclass at BBC Television Centre.

“It was so exciting to meet top producers and writers at the BBC, and be told you’re one of the top new writers in the country. But I still had to fight for a place in the final cut – eight writers invited to a residential development week with BBC producers in June.”

Unfortunately Dee narrowly missed out on the final cut, and was disappointed because she saw it as a potentially career-defining opportunity.

When Dee heard about the BBC’s Comedy Studio competition in August, she was determined to submit a script that would make the final eight.

“It was a last-minute rush, I remember trying to finish the script while distracted by Andy Murray winning Olympic gold in the tennis! I emailed it to the BBC ten minutes before the closing deadline and just prayed it would be good enough to beat my own personal best of reaching the final 13.”

Dee’s prayers were answered last week when the BBC confirmed she’d won a place in the final eight, and an invitation to attend a residential development week in October, working with producers on her idea.

“I’m delighted to have made the final cut at the second attempt,” said Dee. “Writing a TV comedy script is such hard work, because you have to create characters and situations that are universally engaging, and write laughs that anyone could find funny, whatever their taste.”

Dee has been writing scripts since she moved to St Leonards from London in 2009.  She is also a keen landscape photographer, with an exhibition of her Original Dee Photography currently showing at Gill Gallery in St Leonards, 8 September to 6 October.

Dee will be providing updates on her progress in the BBC competition on her website.

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Posted 18:17 Saturday, Sep 22, 2012 In: Literature

Also in: Literature

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