Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Image provided by Sarah James

Image provided by Sarah James

Dream Camp

A tiny sleep festival at the very edge of Sussex. If you have problems sleeping, rarely recall your dreams and would like to experience an intensely relaxing weekend, come and check out our Dream Camp. A total digital detox and sleep hygiene bootcamp that will leave you refreshed and recharged – and hopefully with some new insight. Sarah Janes writes.

Sleeping and dreaming are absolutely vital to our health, but are something frequently forgotten about in our hectic and distracting modern world. Getting back to the slow rhythm of nature will help you unwind, find calm and re-synchronise your body clock.

Lucid dream technique training can help you to wake up in your dreams and sleep hypnosis can help with troubling nightmares and insomnia. Often when negative emotions are repressed, they resurface at night in this way.

Sleep massage targets specific pressure points to activate areas of the brain associated with dreaming and peaceful sleep.

Herbal elixirs will help you unwind and drift into pleasant dreams.

We’re pulling out all the stops to give you the most rememberable dream experiences you’ve ever had! We’ll even try a bit of dream telepathy.

Dream Camp
A sleep and dream camp in beautiful countryside on the Kent/Sussex border.

Dream incubation, sleep hypnosis, lucidity technique training, dream yoga, lush country air, herbal elixirs, sleep massage sessions, total digital detox, healthy campfire cooking and loads more.

Earlybird tickets
ONE DAY: £65
Facebook Event Page
Ticketlink: The Mysteries

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Posted 07:30 Tuesday, Jun 11, 2019 In: Festivals

Also in: Festivals

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