Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

Campaigners from Ore turned the Nº 20 bus into a temporary Battle Bus!

Walk-in Centre campaign gets Swish!

Saturday’s ‘get-together’ outside the Walk-in Centre at Station Plaza was the third and biggest of the campaign’s well-mannered protests so far. Over 70 people gathered outside the Walk-in Centre and shared their experiences of using the facility and why it was important that it remain in the town centre.

The group of protestors increased in size when the number 20 bus from Ore drew in to the station bus depot. Campaigner Erica Smith said: “On Saturday morning we collected signatures for the petition in Ore and came down to the centre on the number 20, gathering support and more signatures for the petition from the people on the bus.

“We wanted to show how easy it is to get to the Walk-in Centre by public transport. Over 30 number 20 buses a day come here, from as far as Ore and Hollington. It is much easier to reach Station Plaza than to get to the Conquest for an appointment.”


The microphone was passed around for people to share their experiences. Councillor Judy Rogers pointed out that a return journey to the Conquest by bus for a parent and ill child could cost £7.80 – money that would be better spent on food and heating.

The event was attended by two rough sleepers and a former homeless man. They were all keen to emphasise how important the centre is for the street community.

Another concern raised was how necessary it is that the Walk-in Centre remains as it is – somewhere where people without appointments can all go in order to access instant health care. The town is currently operating with a significant lack of GPs which means the Walk-in Centre is used by people who cannot wait two weeks for an appointment with their own doctor.

A fourth gathering at the Walk-in Centre has been arranged for Saturday 1 December at 1pm, and a new Facebook group has been formed to help share information and encourage local residents to lobby their MP and the CCG, NHS and East Sussex Better Together. For more information visit Swish: Save our Walk-In Service Hastings on Facebook.

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Posted 07:43 Monday, Oct 15, 2018 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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