Rubbish collected in Filsham August 2018
Tidying up St Leonards
Tidy Up St Leonards is a voluntary local action team organised by John Funnell, Richard Wesley and others who feel passionately about the state of their local streets. Yes, we pay council tax and the local council has a responsibility to clean the streets, but in the face of cuts in spending and services, it is highly commendable that local citizens are being innovative and taking action. Zelly Restorick writes.
As you can see from the photos, the group has cleared up all sorts of rubbish and fly tipping (furniture, bikes, suitcases, supermarket shopping trolleys, etc) from our paths and roadsides. They’ve even cleaned up some of the dirt-engrained road signs and done a bit of weeding.
The group focus their time, efforts and energies on different areas at each session, depending on how many people take part. So far, they’ve covered West St Leonards on Sea, Central St Leonards and North St Leonards, often picking up dozens of bin liners of rubbish.
Meeting of the Tidy Up St Leonards group
The group now has a date for their first meeting at the Horntye Sports Centre on Tuesday 4 September at 7pm.
“We need to put a proper structure in place for the group, so even if you aren’t interested in the admin side of the group, please come along and contribute your thoughts and ideas,” write John and Richard, who have been working hard at organising the group.
“A team of people within a few minutes can make a huge change to an area,” writes John Funnell. “Even though a session may be particularly ‘hard core’ with somewhat unsavoury experiences all round, people have returned the next time. All help given is very gratefully received. And appreciation also to the office team working in the background to formalise the group and support their efforts. If you are able to join us, why not give it a try at our next Tidy Up St Leonards session!”

Found in an August Tidy Up
“Our current total is 775 sacks filled with rubbish, plus other larger non-baggable items, making am amazing estimated total of 19 tonnes removed from our streets, paths and woodlands since February 2018 – and this doesn’t include all of the wonderful efforts we all do as individuals in our own local areas!
“Between us, we have contributed nearly 600 hours of ‘Tidy Up St Leonards’ activity during this period. The back office team have also contributed significant admin time in order to make this all happen. And HBC kindly collect the rubbish from pre-arranged collection points.”
Please note that children are very welcome but must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times. They also urge people to take care when collecting rubbish on the roads.
To get involved with Tidy Up St Leonards or ask questions, contact the group on 07802 867147 or via TIDYUPSTLEONARDS@outlook.com. Facebook Page here.
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Dear Ms Doubtfire,
This is why I asked John if it was okay to put his phone number in the article – and I have included their website, as well as the Facebook Page for those who use social media. All good wishes and thanks for writing, Zelly Restorick
Comment by Zelly Restorick — Thursday, Sep 6, 2018 @ 15:18
Not everyone has a social media account.
Comment by Ms.Doubtfire — Thursday, Sep 6, 2018 @ 14:49
Dear Sunbear, the articles go out on Facebook as well as on the site, not only in the weekly mail-out. If you connect with the organisers via the details in the article, they will give you details of further meetings and you can sign up for their Tidy Up sessions. I know they would appreciate your interest. Many thanks and sorry for your disappointment at missing the meeting. All good wishes, Zelly Restorick
Comment by Zelly Restorick — Thursday, Sep 6, 2018 @ 02:59
I heard about this meeting of Tuesday 4 September in the HOT edition sent Wednesday 5 September!
Comment by Sunbear — Thursday, Sep 6, 2018 @ 01:41
Sheila Its my understanding that any rubbish left alongside a rubbish bin is looked on as “Fly Tipping” and wont be collect by the refuse collectors.
So the only alternative at the moment is to take it home with you!!! It’s outstanding that you feel strong enough about the littering that you pick it up.
At Tidy Up St Leonard’s ! we are trying to work with the council in establishing a method for individuals to have this pick up litter dealt with(it takes time) Why not use one of the contact opportunities above to come and say hello. Thanks to Zelly for a the article.
Comment by Richard Wesley — Wednesday, Sep 5, 2018 @ 12:22
I have carried out my own clean up in St Leonards on a very small basis, have picked up plastic on the beach and noticed once when i picked up a large black bag of mainly plastic and left it next to a bin on the seafront that the council picked up what was in the bin but left what i had gathered. it put me off carrying on what i was doing. i would love to be a part of cleaning up the beaches in st leonards, i feel affronted when i see rubbish left there
Comment by Sheila Raeburn — Tuesday, Sep 4, 2018 @ 18:20