Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

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The Six Sided Man

‘Few plays can change your life. This one… might’. Report by John Knowles.

Many readers of HOT will be aware of the novel, The Dice Man, written under the pen name of Luke Rinehart by George Cockcroft. The book tells the story of a psychiatrist who decides to experiment in making decisions via the throw of the dice.

Due to its subversive nature and chapters concerned with controversial issues such as rape, murder and sexual experimentation, it was banned in several countries. Its original cover bore the sub- heading: ‘Few novels can change your life. This one will’ and the book rightly became a cult classic. I am sure that many a student of psychiatry, or life, has had a dabble in ‘dice decision making’.

The book has been adapted for the stage by talented and much acclaimed ‘Company Gavin Robertson’, who are renowned for highly creative, physical theatre. The play, darkly comic, tongue-in-cheek and highly imaginative, follows Luke Rhinehart as he decides to make every decision by following options given to the dice. As he delves further into giving up responsibility for his actions, and introduces a patient to the same idea, mayhem ensues and the rules become twisted.

This is the last in our pre-Edinburgh season, which has been a huge success.

“Gavin Robertson is well-known by now for creating imaginative physical theatre with added emotional value”
BBC Radio

‘…the capacity audience were held spellbound throughout the entire performance – witty and unique.”
Hong Kong Standard

The Six Sided Man

July 29th 2016 at 7.30pm, The Observer Building, Hastings. Tickets £8.00 and £7.00 conc, are available on-line from:


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Posted 15:49 Thursday, Jul 21, 2016 In: Performance

Also in: Performance

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