Stone Street, Hastings
Micro-stories from Bronwen Griffiths
Bronwen Griffiths is a local writer. Bronwen was in Libya in February 2011 when civil war broke out as part of the wider ‘Arab Spring’. Her novel about Libya will be published in early 2014. In the meantime, Bronwen has turned her focus much closer to home and here are some of her micro-stories – some tiny pen sketches about Hastings.
Stone Street
Stone Street is a short street. There are perhaps thirty houses, no more. It is a steep street and the houses are also small and steep. One house is pink, the others creamy and yellow, like flowers. I wonder – if I lived in Stone Street would I also be short and steep and flowery?
Town 1
Gull-ridden, sea-bitten, wave-washed, wind-bashed, higgledy-piggledy town.
Town 2
Only old people are in town and people wearing macs. Most macs are grey, black or brown but sometimes red or green to match the autumn leaves.
Town 3
A tiny woman walks by, no larger than my finger. Then, two stooped men. One walks east, the other west. The east walking man is wearing a leather jacket and carries a plastic bag. The west walking man is talking to the pavement. They are followed by a young couple, the man holding a Union Jack cushion. Next, three pigeons fly across the primrose yellow wall. No one I know passes. But I do not mind as I am happy in the sunshine with strangers.
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