Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

Articulating Change at Stone Squid Gallery

GXJacques writes:

For anyone negotiating the enigmatic world of art instillation, this is a show to experience. Installation is all about experiencing— space, form, light, and in the case of Rossella Emanuele’s Articulating Change, time.

Things change. We change. This work uses water, light, and cement, mixing together reflections, external and internal, creating an interactive experience. The pacing of the pieces feels calm and organic. Frozen mixed ink melts from the letters m e onto a scroll of paper and eerily paints a portrait of itself in action. A lovely example of time-based work, which has immediacy and honesty. The viewer can return to discover a new changing relationship as the piece evolves. In contrast, 48 hours, has opacity, as plasticine creates a new grainy surface, transforming table onto shimmering landscape.

The entire impression is fresh and open. Light reflects into the Stone squid gallery from various water themed works. Using projected moving image, surfaces are transformed into abstract narratives. ‘100 Gallons of water, 1 line and a concrete bag of sand’ greets the visitor. The eye is led down to a sensual bed of water illuminated by a projector, as the bags settle into the floor.

It is to the credit of Stone Squid that this kind of experimental work can be given a home. We look forward to more in the year.

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Posted 13:08 Wednesday, Jun 30, 2010 In: Visual Arts

Also in: Visual Arts

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