Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

Logie Baird as visualised by artist Jude Montague

Showcase your artistry in moving pictures and slides

Spirit of Invention 2 comes to the Electric Palace Cinema with an open call for artists to make movies and stills pictures about their own work.

One hundred years ago John Logie Baird invented television from experiments he carried out in Hastings. This festival at the Electric Palace Cinema celebrates the spirit of invention inside every creature, the inventive impulse of life.

There is an open call for artists and photographers to showcase inventiveness in their work with an extended deadline of 8 September

Festival organiser Jude Montague has been celebrating the spirit of Logie Baird in several events throughout the year including an exhibition at the Electro Studios in St Leonards.

‘Logie Baird is an outsider who tried a number of inventions before he was successful in television. He was a compulsive inventor, in fact his mantra was “I must invent something”.

‘It’s said he was inspired to pursue the idea of television through an interest in spiritualism, the thought of communicating with the dead over the airwaves, via electricity and the use of the medium has inspired the performance that Duncan Reekie and I are creating for the special live cinema event on Saturday 21 September.’


Open Call
In association with PhotoHastings Festival
For 3  minute (or under) movies on the subject of spirit of invention. This could be about your own work as an artist – stills sequences are also good, to showcase your work. Format 1–3 min mp4 h264 1080 x 1920
Deadline: 8 September.

Send by wetransfer to – with name & title.

Duncan Reekie (Exploding Cinema) and Jude Montague will be creating a live performance on Saturday 21 September.

The Spirit of Invention Festival 2
Thurs 19 – Sun 22 Sept
Electric Palace Cinema



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Posted 20:39 Sunday, Sep 1, 2024 In: Visual Arts

Also in: Visual Arts

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