Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Gunge tank

Gunge tank

Summer Club Jungle is a Go!

Holy Trinity Hastings’ Summer Club Jungle is a popular week-long summer club event for children aged 5-11 held at Holy Trinity Church in Robertson Street. From Monday 13 August to Friday 17 August, 10am-3pm with snack, cold drinks and lunch provided, it’s a great chance for kids to have a break from us parents! My eldest will be attending and he is excited by all that is on offer, writes Vanessa Alves.

The whole week is full of group games, memory songs, worship, creative spaces, lunchtime films, leaders challenges, stories, Bible characters – and a gunge tank.

Elle Risbridger, Kids’ Pastor and co-leader of the Summer Club Team says, “We had over 80 kids come along to our Summer Club last year and this year expect even more. We allocate the children into small groups with activities designed to suit the different ages, as well as lively times when all the children come together.

Singing time

Singing time

“This year we have an exciting jungle theme, so the church will be decorated completely, transforming the space to create an exciting environment where children can explore their creativity, make friends and learn about Jesus.”

On Thursday 16 August, all families are invited to the barbecue at the church, to see what the children have been up to and gather together to party!

This is a programme with children and families at its heart – and its continued growth over the last three years shows how much the kids themselves enjoy the summer club.

Last year's Summer Club Team

Last year’s Summer Club Team

This year’s event has already sold out very quickly, but click on the link to sign up for HTH’S Summer Club 2019.


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Posted 16:47 Saturday, Aug 11, 2018 In: Young People

Also in: Young People

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