Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Clean Air

Clean Air

Get outside for some fresh air?

This morning, I received an email from 38 Degrees, alerting the public to a consultation on Local Air Quality Management, writes HOT’s Zelly Restorick. This led me to The Healthy Air campaign developed by activist lawyer group, ClientEarth. The consultation – which ends today, 13 September – is asking whether local authorities should continue to have a duty to assess local air quality and declare Air Quality Management Areas [AQMAs].

Local authorities currently have to work towards certain air quality objectives and have an air quality action plan. The proposed plan under consultation is to scrap the 500+ statutory special AQMA’s, targeting local pollution hot spots and stop routinely using local monitoring stations. The money saved could then be spent on cleaning the air. However, opposition environment spokesman, Barry Gardiner MP, suggests that “without the local measurements, it will be impossible for councils to know either where to take action, or whether what they do has any effect”.

The main causes of air pollution are road traffic, especially diesel, industry, tyre and brake disc debris, sea salt and biological particles. Of particular concern are two pollutants: nitrogen dioxide [NO2] and particulate matter [PM10]. Checking out air pollution in Hastings on the DEFRA site, both are found here and we have a pollution hot spot around Bexhill Road and Harley Shute Road.

According to the Hastings Borough Council website, ‘Hastings and St Leonards, like all of Southern Europe, has a very high level of particulate matter. This comes from Europe and elsewhere’. Surely, we have to accept responsibility for some of it emanating from here – and that we, as individuals make a contribution?

2013 is the European ‘Year of Air’. In the UK, DEFRA having the responsibility for ensuring European targets are met. If not met, the member state potentially faces huge fines from the European Commission. The UK is currently in breach of European limits. In 2011, a legal action by ClientEarth forced the government to admit that it was breaking EU law.

According to The Healthy Air campaigners, an estimated 29,000 premature deaths in the UK are caused by poor air quality, reducing life expectancy in those affected by an average of more than eleven years. This represents 5% of all UK annual deaths, ‘making air pollution an invisible public health crisis that affects much of the UK’. Air quality is something which affects us all, although some groups are officially considered to be more vulnerable and at risk.

The cost to the economy? According to governmental research and estimates, it’s up to £20bn, considering the costs of health and environmental impacts in relation to air pollution. So, will cuts and savings in one area lead to an increase in spending elsewhere?

The consultation ends tomorrow, so take action if it’s something you think is important! Your voice is vital and does make a difference.

Any comments about how you feel about the quality of our air? Please let us know.

The Healthy Air website and sample letter to DEFRA here, plus ideas as to what we can do.
The 38 Degrees Campaign here.
The government consultation document here.
Hastings DEFRA details here.
Article by Geoffrey Lean, The Telegraph’s environmental correspondent here.

Email Head of Hastings Borough Council, Cllr Jeremy Birch:

Email Amber Rudd, local MP for Hastings and Rye:

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Posted 12:04 Thursday, Sep 12, 2013 In: The HOT Planet

Also in: The HOT Planet

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