Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Extinction Rebellion Climate Card

Extinction Rebellion Climate Card: Extinction Rebellion Hastings and St Leonards

‘Climate Crisis’ Christmas cards greet Hastings and Rye MP

Extinction Rebellion (XR) may seem ‘extreme’ to some, but members of Extinction Rebellion Hastings and St Leonards say that they’re taking necessary and proportionate non-violent direct action in the face of an existential threat, one which many governments around the world are effectively ignoring. With this in mind, they sent some Christmas cards to our new MP, Sally-Ann Hart.

Extinction Rebellion isn’t a hierarchical group of people. There are no leaders. Simply individuals uniting in support of what they believe in. Here are some words from the collective XR Hastings and St Leonards group.

We’re simply asking the government to take the issues of climate and biodiversity crisis seriously – and we’re calling on everyone who is concerned about the future of the planet, this country and all of our children to support us, now. We need urgent action. We can’t wait any longer.

Extinction Rebellion describes itself as being ‘beyond politics’. We don’t want to get dragged into the dogfighting of party politics. There isn’t time – and we’re willing to work with whoever is in power to take action to avoid crisis and catastrophe.

“XR wants things to change in a direction of more care for ourselves, each other, our resources

– and our shared home planet, on which we live and survive.

A cleaner, greener, healthier, sustainable, fairer regenerative future.

How can anyone say there is anything wrong with this vision?

It genuinely puzzles me.”

(Zelly Restorick)

Cartoon by Imgar:

Climate Crisis cards for Sally-Ann Hart

And so, on the morning of the General Election result – and the days that followed, local XR members were out on the streets of Hastings and Rye, asking the public to sign and post ‘Climate Crisis’ Christmas cards to Sally-Ann Hart, the newly elected Hastings and Rye MP.

“Extinction Rebellion is non-judgemental. They’re not into blame and shame and pointing fingers of accusation and hatred.

“They want to unite, care, collaborate, talk, listen, stimulate, inspire, explore, acknowledge the amazing alternative technologies, raise awareness, take positive non-violent action.  

“Evolve. Adapt. Survive.

“Flow with the changes, not fight against them.

“And to know we are stronger together – and that we are not alone.”

 (Zelly Restorick)

During the action, hundreds of local people posted ‘Climate Crisis’ cards, which will arrive at Ms Hart’s offices in Westminster and St Leonards this week, calling on her to take the climate issue seriously.

“Some people on planet earth are imagining there will be – for them and their’s – a Planet B. An alternative to life on earth.

“For most of us, as XR rightly and loudly states:”

Gratitude for great image to

Gratitude for great image to

 (Zelly Restorick)

The idea was really well received… not everyone was happy with the election result itself, but many people thanked XR members for taking this action. People here know how serious the climate crisis is. They’ve seen the predictions for sea level rise, with huge areas of this constituency regularly flooded by 2050, particularly around Rye and Winchelsea.

Sally-Ann Hart did not attend the Hastings Climate Hustings during the election campaign, leaving local XR members unsure of her position. However, there’s no longer any debate about the urgency of this issue. If our MP and the government do not act on this, we will keep going until they do.

Image from Creative Boost website.

XR’s ‘Three Demands’ Bill
Overview here.
Full text here

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Posted 12:13 Monday, Dec 23, 2019 In: The HOT Planet

1 Comment

  1. Keith Piggott

    In 1954, I was 12 years old when I learned the earth and the entire solar system was doomed to extinction within our sun’s expanding red giant prior to collapse. So not tomorrow, but just as inevitable as today’s perils for our blue planet.

    On northern farms I learned respect for nature’s green cycles. The through maturity I watched manufactured pollutants destroy ecologies also life, by consent of our parliaments concerned only with creating then sustaining tax revenues from whatever dubious source generated. So go ahead XR, end that consumer driven cycle if you can, the end shall justify means.

    Growth and consumerism, expressed by nations’ GDPs, shall become history. Economic also physical subsistence shall be the measure of XR’s success, perhaps.

    Comment by Keith Piggott — Monday, Dec 30, 2019 @ 00:15

Also in: The HOT Planet

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