Hastings Borough Council offices in Breeds Place.
Rankin leaves Tories citing “torrents of abuse”
Cllr John Rankin has resigned from the Conservative Party after suffering “torrents of abuse” over his pro EU stance, as he explained to Nick Terdre. Following his departure, Hastings Borough Council’s Tory group has now been reduced to 10.
In the wake of Brexit, Cllr John Rankin, who was first elected to the council for Conquest ward in 2016, found himself under attack in the Hastings and Rye local Conservative Party association from fellow members who took issue with his pro EU stance.
But his decision to leave was not anything to do with the failed attempt to have sitting MP Sally-Ann Hart deselected earlier this year at a time when he was acting as association chair, he told HOT. “There was no attempt to remove Sally-Ann Hart, but when she was interviewed by the local association executive committee in February, although we thought she’d cruise through, she performed really badly and the vote [on her reselection] was a tie,” he said.
In the end Hart was overwhelmingly backed by association members, and is expected to contest the seat in the forthcoming general election. But Rankin found himself increasingly disillusioned by his treatment at the hands of Brexit supporters.

John Rankin.
“This finally revealed to me the true nature of the Tory Party as I found myself getting torrents of personal abuse from ‘keyboard warrior’ association members…especially annoying as I was only helping out as association chair as a favour.
“I was left wondering, what is this organisation I’ve got involved with? It clearly has no respect for the democratic process. Because of personal reasons it’s taken me up to now to re-evaluate where I am and I’ve decided to leave the party.”
“Having known and worked with John for many years, I was surprised to hear of his resignation from the party,” Rob Lee, chair of the local association, told HOT. “As for his explanation for leaving, recollections may vary.”
Rankin will now sit as the HBC’s only independent councillor, as he doesn’t agree that he should stand down and allow a by-election to take place. “Prior to Brexit, the argument that I should stand down and let there be a by-election probably held water. But in these polarised political days so many people are politically homeless. And, you know, there are only 30% who vote in local elections.
“I see myself as representing the 70% who don’t vote, so I don’t intend to stand down. I also live in the ward I represent and have done for over 20 years, and therefore don’t want to desert my neighbours just because the party I used to represent has become so toxic.”
Nor is he contemplating joining another party, such as Reform UK where Cllr Lucian Fernando has landed after also leaving the Tory Party. “I’ve no intention of connecting with Reform UK. They are not a serious political movement and are far too right-wing anyway.”
He is clearly disenchanted with the current state of politics and politicians. “After being involved on a part-time basis in politics for just over a decade I feel most politicians are just out for themselves. I’ve not met one MP who is doing the job truly out of public service. Probably the last MP who was genuinely interested in representing the interests of local people was Michael Foster.”
Following Rankin’s departure, HBC’s Tory group now numbers 10. Labour has 15, the Greens five and Reform UK one. The term of half the sitting councillors will end next May, when local elections are scheduled, but after being re-elected in 2022, Rankin will remain a councillor until 2026.
The leader of the Tory group, Cllr Andy Patmore, was approached for comment.
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During Mr. Rankin’s pursuit to stand in a specific ward at the last election, there were concerning incidents involving his attempts to remove an officially selected candidate for the election, Cllr Peter Pragnell. This process was marred by what we can only describe as a witch hunt. Additionally, Mr. Rankin’s utilisation of his position as the local association Chairman to deselect Sally Anne Hart so that he could become the candidate for the next general election is a matter of grave concern. Because he’s already successfully completed Parliamentary Approval Board. It is important to recognise that Mr. Rankin may present himself as amiable on the surface, but it is our duty to acknowledge that these actions, as described, do not reflect the values and standards we expect.
Comment by Charles — Wednesday, Oct 4, 2023 @ 03:20
Cllr Rankin has a very interesting take on reality. If he looks back at his political career and takes a deep look at himself and his own track record, he will soon realise what everyone else has. He is a man lacking in integrity, a Poundland Machiavelli, with an aversion to the truth.
He knows full well this didn’t happen. Highlighting just how disingenuous he is, Hastings Borough Council will soon be a better place without such colourful characters.
Comment by Tish Ginyl — Tuesday, Oct 3, 2023 @ 18:46
I completely agree with John Sydez: John Rankin is a very nice person with integrity and a strong commitment to Hastings. He was.my landlord for quite a while and always considerate and responsible. We had many interesting discussioms about local and national.pllitics and I think his leaving was jost a mattet of time. If I.lived im his ward I would have to vote for him!
Comment by Bea — Monday, Oct 2, 2023 @ 10:53
May I offer my hand to John Davis for describing the Tories so precise.
Perhaps one other thing to add to his list — HS2 rail project heading to hit £100 billion. All for how many more minutes faster.
Back on the home front Cllr Rankin et al should have sorted out say the Gateway Road that has been festering for close to ten years.
Comment by Richard Heritage — Saturday, Sep 30, 2023 @ 19:51
I know John well; he is often very misunderstood. John is basically a very decent human being with ferocious and infectious humour. We all have a history. Please respect John, be kind, and let’s wish him well, whatever your politics.
Comment by John Sydez — Saturday, Sep 30, 2023 @ 04:03
The Tories are not the Tories I remember, now they are UKIP with a blue rosette. They have lurched to the authoritarian right and seek to shut down any dissenting voices. Witness their refusal to mention Brexit publicly or to accept that inflation has been made worse by it, causing red tape, worker loss and supply chain costs. They play politics and bicker among themselves while the country declines under them. They fiddle, Rome burns.
Crumbling schools, crumbling prisons, crumbling hospitals. Winter-frozen pensioners, hungry children, hungry adults. Three million people surviving on foodbanks – generation heat-or-eat. Rivers full of sewage, roads full of potholes, borders full of chaos. Patients dying in a treatment queue, people in agony in a dentist queue. The NHS in crisis, the care sector in collapse. Police ignoring crimes, MPs ignoring laws. No massive Brexit American deal, just a massive national debt. Care homes starved of workers, services starved of cash, people starved of hope. Tory cronies stuffed into the Lords, taxpayer cash stuffed into Tory donors. The rich, richer. The poor, poorer.
Thirteen years in power. Broken Tory Brexit Britain.
Comment by John Davis — Friday, Sep 29, 2023 @ 12:12