Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Members of Hastings Against War Flying Kites Not Drones

Members of Hastings Against War Flying Kites Not Drones. Photo Fernando Bauza

Drone week of action in Hastings

Sometimes I find myself looking up at the sky and thanking my blessings that I am not being targeted by drones operated by people from distant shores who see me as their enemy. I’m aware that we have military personnel in this country trained in the art of drone warfare, sitting thousands of miles away from their chosen targets for surveillance and attack – and I think: if we’re doing this to other people, why wouldn’t others use the same tactics on us? There but for the grace of God, etc. Zelly Restorick reports. 

Last Saturday (1 October), Hastings Against War joined a National Week of Action against armed drones. “The Week of Action aimed to highlight the increasing use of military drones, the pilot-less aircraft operated remotely”, writes John Enefer of Hastings Against War, “which in recent years have been used in conflict zones around the world. Military drones have been controversial, with Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch stating that US drone attacks in Yemen and Pakistan may have broken international human rights law.

“To take part in the Week of Action, Hastings Against War flew kites off Hastings seafront, inspired by the Afghan Peace Volunteers, a group of young Afghans who work for peace in their troubled country and beyond. Reflecting the love of kite flying in their land, as well as concerns about the fear and fatalities caused by drones, they began Fly Kites Not Drones, which has been held regularly since 2014.”

Rona Drennan of Hastings Against War said: “My initial feeling of elation as the wind lifted my kite into the clear blue sky immediately turned to sadness at the thought of all the children who cannot look to the skies without fear of death. The constant surveillance and fear of attack affect children and their families in Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Gaza, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia and the use of armed drones means they live in a world of perpetual war. Our action is to let the public know that the UK is party to this and to bring the government to account on the increasing use of drone attacks.”


Hastings Against War meets at 7.30pm on the first and third Tuesdays of every month in the Friends Meeting House, South Terrace, Hastings.

Hastings Against War info on drone warfare.

Photo Maya Evans.

Photo Maya Evans.


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Posted 19:27 Tuesday, Oct 4, 2016 In: Politics


  1. John

    That’s OK but were does this leave model aircraft pilots. When does a model aircraft become a drone, I fly model helicopters and small drones, I am fully insured, and fly responsibly. Why should I have to suffer my hobby.

    Comment by John — Sunday, Oct 9, 2016 @ 16:20

  2. DAR

    I’m concerned about domestic use of drones. Any Tom, Dick or Harry in the UK can buy these things without specifying why. Time for gun-style licences for privately-owned drones, I reckon, specifying a particular and legitimate reason for wanting to own one.

    Comment by DAR — Thursday, Oct 6, 2016 @ 14:30

Also in: Politics

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