Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Jeremy Corbyn addressing the rally in Warrior Square in July 2017

Jeremy Corbyn addressing the rally in Warrior Square in July 2017

Corbyn in Hastings to consult about NHS and social care

On Thursday 17 January, Hastings will host a consultation event to feed into Labour Party policy. The subject will be the NHS and social care. There will be two parts to the event – a rally at 10am with addresses by Jeremy Corbyn and other speakers, followed by a more focused consultation event in the afternoon. Local Labour Party member Erica Smith reports.

As I write, Parliament is getting ready to hear the result of Jeremy Corbyn’s motion of no confidence in Her Majesty’s Government. Whatever the result, Hastings Labour Party is getting ready to greet the Leader of the Opposition tomorrow morning for a People Powered Rally and Mass Meeting.00Corbyn

When Corbyn came to town in July 2017 he addressed a rally of thousands in Warrior Square. The venue for tomorrow’s rally from 10am to noon is still not in the public domain, but residents can book a place by following this link. The rally will be followed by a mass meeting where an invited audience will be asked to share their experiences of and ideas to improve the NHS and social care provision. The format of the meeting is expected to be similar to last July’s John McDonnell event about the economy which informed Labour Party policy.

00PeterChowneyPage2-62I asked Hastings Borough Council leader Peter Chowney – who is also the prospective Parliamentary candidate for Hastings and Rye – if he was expecting the vote of no confidence in Her Majesty’s Government to be supported. He said, “I think it’s unlikely to succeed because the Conservative Party doesn’t want a general election. Corbyn was under pressure to table the vote because last night the Government was defeated by the largest majority ever.”

It remains to be seen if the no confidence motion will lead to a General Election being announced immediately. If it does, Hastings will be the first town to hear an election address from the leader of the Labour Party.


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Posted 17:28 Wednesday, Jan 16, 2019 In: Politics


  1. Ms.Doubtfire

    Does’t this just tell you so much about this man? Refuses to dicuss the way forward with the Prime Minister but prefers to come down to Hastings where he knows he is on ‘safe’ ground and then trashes our local MP with his sarcastic comments.
    Not fit for purpose comes to mind here.

    Comment by Ms.Doubtfire — Saturday, Jan 19, 2019 @ 09:51

  2. Ms.Doubtfire

    Poor old Hastings – in awe of this man when in fact they should be very very careful of what they wish for here.
    If we end up with a Labour MP in Hastings, I guess there will be quite a few who will decide to up sticks and leave this town. Labour got its feet under the table so many years ago and the opposition is so few and so weak it is obvious that this town will remain a Labour town for eternity. This is why there is so much deprivation here – it has little to do with the government. Its all about Bad management. A poor workman always blames his tools. Think about it.

    Comment by Ms.Doubtfire — Thursday, Jan 17, 2019 @ 13:18

  3. Nigel Inwood

    Headline not quite accurate? Reading the detail, Jeremy Corbyn will not be here to consult with people himself. Apparently he will be giving an address to a closed group, (which is already ‘full’).

    At a crucial time for statesmanship, back in Westminster?

    Comment by Nigel Inwood — Thursday, Jan 17, 2019 @ 09:18

  4. Andy Holt

    Oh, lucky, lucky Hastings.

    Comment by Andy Holt — Thursday, Jan 17, 2019 @ 06:08

  5. Patrick Burton

    Perhaps Erica Smith and other Labour Party members who seem to admire Jeremy Corbyn would ask him or Peter Chowney why they think Labour is either trailing or behind the Conservatives in the opinion polls.
    While Labour faces an incompetent government and divided governing party, Labour is incapable of being well ahead in the polls. Why is Corbyn so inert on the question of Brexit?

    Comment by Patrick Burton — Wednesday, Jan 16, 2019 @ 23:49

Also in: Politics

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