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Free workshop on the parallel non-monetary economy

Kendal Eaton wants to start a movement based on his theory of the parallel non-monetary economy which he claims is a peaceful means of empowering people to regain control over their lives without provoking violent opposition from the wealthy elite. As a first step he is holding an introductory workshop on Thursday 30 May. Nick Terdre reports.

The parallel non-monetary economy (PNME) offers a way of “concretizing a pathway to fulfilment of a parallel citizen’s economy that relieves everyone from the dependency upon money,” Kendal Eaton says. He has in mind the 99% who are not beneficiaries of the current system.

“This is not a fanciful ideological dream — it is based on existing systems and processes that do not threaten the monetary economy, but drastically and rapidly revolutionizes people’s economic power to change it, without direct-connection to the monetary economy; boosting it initially, before making it obsolete.”

At the two-hour introductory and interactive workshop, to which admission is free, Kendal will show a video introducing the eight-module course which he hopes participants will move on to, and another entitled, “What is the PNME?”

The eight-module course consists of video workshops exploring the range of issues the world faces, from decimation of the environment to corporate crime, lack of public services and migration, and everything in-between, and how the general public can be economically empowered to rapidly regain power without violent opposition from the wealthy elite.

Participants will be able to steep themselves in the details of the concept, scrutinising the ideas and contributing their own ideas and solutions.

The world is in a mess to which the parallel non-monetary economy offers the only way out, in Kendal’s view. “Currently we are seeing the effect of government dependency and collusion with corporate monopolies and the elite, affecting the NHS, housing, education, employment, our environment and divestment of local councils, excusing criminal neglect and [violation of] human rights.

”There are solid strategic governmental reasons for all of this, that is impacting on all our lives and gives all of us, even if we are financially secure, multiple reasons for personal concern. AND THEY ARE SET TO INCREASE.”

Action is urgently needed, in his view. “What we are looking at is the economic empowerment of every living individual as a human right — self-generated with no other external control, except what is used collectively and voluntarily,” he says.

Unlike most other proposed solutions to the ills of the world, Kendal’s system does not entail a violent confrontation with those who currently hold power.

He has previously explained his ideas about the parallel non-monetary economy in some detail on HOT.


An introductory workshop  to the Parallel Non Monetary Economy, by Kendal Eaton. Thursday 30 May, 6.30-8.30pm. Friends Meeting House, 5 South Terrace, Hastings TN34 1SA. Admission is free, but attendees are asked to reserve a place via Eventbrite.

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Posted 22:17 Monday, May 27, 2024 In: Point of View

Also in: Point of View

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