Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Ad hoc GP work, Monday morning (photo: Cat)

Ad hoc GP work, Monday morning (photo: Cat)

Warrior Square and Carisbrooke surgeries

A major fire at Marlborough House in St Leonard’s-on-Sea on Sunday 28 July means that two GP surgeries based at the site will be unable to treat patients there for the immediate future. Here is information provided by the local NHS for patients.

Carisbrooke Surgery and Warrior Square Surgery have both put arrangements in place to ensure that patients with urgent health needs can be treated at alternative sites over the next week.

Due to the nature of the incident and current limited capacity at these alternative sites, both practices are unfortunately only able to provide appointments for their patients with urgent health needs at this time and are unable to honour pre-booked routine appointments.

NHS England (Surrey and Sussex) is supporting both practices so that longer-term arrangements can be made as soon as possible to recommence routine appointments for patients while the practices are unable to access their Marlborough House surgeries.

Both Carisbrooke Surgery ( and Warrior Square Surgery ( ) will be providing regular updates for patients on their websites about the current situation and how they can access services and so patients are advised to check their websites for updates.

Further information will be made available to affected patients and the public as soon as possible.

NHS England (Surrey and Sussex) director of commissioning Sarah Creamer said:

“I would like to assure patients from Carisbrooke Surgery and Warrior Square Surgery that we are taking urgent action alongside both practices to ensure alternative arrangements are in place so that their patients can continue to access services while the Marlborough House site is inaccessible due to the fire which occurred over the weekend.”

“We would ask patients and the public to bear with practice staff as we respond to this incident and hope they will understand the need to prioritise patients with urgent health needs at this time.  NHS England is working to ensure that both practices can recommence routine appointments for their patients as soon as possible and will ensure patients and the public are kept updated about this.”

Further information for patients:

Patients from Carisbrooke Surgery with urgent health needs

  • In the case of a medical emergency, patients should call 999 as they usually would.
  • Any patients from Carisbrooke Surgery who have urgent health needs and who need to see a GP urgently over the next week should ring the usual Carisbrooke Surgery number 01424 423190. Please note that there may be some delay in getting through due to the volume of calls, so patients should only use this number if their need is urgent. Staff from the practice will be answering calls on this number from 0800–1830 hours, after which calls will be diverted to the NHS 111 service. Patients can also call the NHS 111 service by dialling 111 if they are unable to get through on this number.
  • Health professionals from the Carisbrooke Surgery will be using consulting rooms at the Churchwood Medical Practice, Tilebarn Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN38 9QU, for the rest of this week to treat their patients with urgent health needs.
  • Patients from the Carisbrooke Surgery who have urgent health needs but cannot get through on either the practice number or the 111 number can attend the Churchwood Medical Practice and ask to see a GP from the Carisbrooke Surgery. Please note however that the practice only has capacity to treat patients with urgent health needs and may need to arrange alternative appointments for patients as appropriate.

Patients from Warrior Square Surgery with urgent health needs

•       In the case of a medical emergency, patients should call 999 as they usually would.

•       Any patients from Warrior Square Surgery who have an urgent health need over the next week and who need to see a GP urgently should call the NHS 111 service by dialling 111. An alternative number will also be made available to patients as soon as possible.

•       Health professionals from the Warrior Square Surgery will be using consulting rooms at the walk-in centre based at the Station Plaza site, Station Approach, Hastings TN34 1BA, to treat patients with urgent health needs on the afternoon of Wednesday 31 July.   For the rest of the week, the practice will be providing services for these patients at the South Saxon House Surgery at 150A Bexhill Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN38 8BL.

  • Patients from the Warrior Square Surgery who have an urgent health need but cannot get through on the 111 number can attend the Station Plaza walk-in centre or South Saxon House Surgery during the times given above. Please note however that the Warrior Square Surgery only currently has capacity to treat patients with urgent health needs and may need to arrange alternative appointments for patients as appropriate.

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Posted 15:57 Wednesday, Jul 31, 2013 In: Home Ground

Also in: Home Ground

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