Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Pocket Park celebrations

Pocket Park celebrations.

News from the Pocket Park

Now that The Pocket Park has reopened, the volunteer team are finding themselves to be rather busy… unsurprisingly so! Martin Styring reports.

The Pocket Park is a wildlife and community growing project, located off Hughenden Road in Hastings. Open to all, it is a place to play, grow and have fun!

Pocket Park play

Pocket Park play.

Record numbers of visitors!

Our Pocket Park ‘Bug Day’ attracted over 310 people through the gates; the Easter event had over 80 children participating in the egg hunt and more than 200 attendees in total. And last Saturday saw the Pocket Park full of people raising money for St Michael’s Hospice with ‘The Big Tea’.

This Saturday!

This coming Saturday, 2 May at 11am, there is a Table Sale planned, sponsored by Asda, with donations from the profits going to support the Pocket Park to help with general running costs. The tables are filling up and we have got some great stuff on sale…nearly new toys, clothes, homewares, plants and refreshments! Come along and nab a bargain! If you want to book a space to sell your own stuff, please contact us ASAP!

Gathering at The Pocket Park

Gathering at the Pocket Park.

Up-and-coming events

More events are planned for the rest of the year, including four play sessions during the school summer holidays, provided by Hastings Borough Council and In2play.

Plus, in June, we will have the Engineering and Welding Students from Sussex Coast College installing their newly created Pocket Park sign to the main entrance. The design of the sign was run as a competition with the winner chosen by Peter Messett, chair of Better Braybrooke, the charity under which the Pocket Park operates.The Carpentry Department students are also making a large oak-framed gazebo for the park. We will be celebrating the work by the students with a barbecue in the park, with invites going out to college officials, the students and their families.

If you’re interested in volunteering, get in touch. All offers of help – and donations – welcome!

See the Pocket Park’s Facebook page here.

All photos by Wendy Knowles or Martin Styring.


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Posted 21:47 Wednesday, Apr 29, 2015 In: Home Ground

Also in: Home Ground

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