Sea Change Sussex design
Link road to the link road
Sea Change Sussex are inviting members of the public to their ‘Open Afternoon’ meetings in Sidley to find out more about the proposals to construct a road from the planned Bexhill Link Road to Wrestwood Road to open up access to a new business development site to the east of Sidley, writes HOT’s Zelly Restorick.
According to local residents who participated in the BHLR consultation process and have copies of the planning maps, it would seem that this is just one of a number of access roads which will be built as link roads to the link road.
You’ll be able to see information and ask questions about the proposals for the first of these roads and the first business premises on the site.
‘With these and other developments to follow’, states Sea Change Sussex, ‘ultimately the businesses which locate to north east Bexhill can deliver up to 3,000 jobs to the area’. This figure quoted by ESCC in their proposals, was questioned by the Dept for Transport, who said the Council had over-estimated the number of jobs, with 900 being a more realistic number.
How are the access and link roads to be paid for? Are the costs included in the £100million+ funding for the BHLR – or are they additional? And the costs to the link roads to the housing development sites?
Do you have any questions? Want to know more?
Go along to Sidley Baptist Church, Claremont Road, Sidley TN39 5BX
Thursday 11 April, 3–7pm
Friday 12 April, 12–4pm
Link to Sea Change Sussex here. More information about the proposals will be on the
news section of the Sea Change web site from Monday 15 April.
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1 Comment
Also in: Home Ground
« Youth has its sayTesco uber alles »
It’s all about building stuff just to create short-term employment so that the unemployment figures look better. The countryside round here is being devastated because of this short-termism. I predicted there would be a “bypass for the bypass” some years ago – so this news is no surprise to me.
Comment by DAR — Wednesday, Apr 10, 2013 @ 15:45