Council leader Jeremy Birch, left, signing an agreement in March with Prof Julian Crampton, vice-chancellor of the University of Brighton (photo: HBC).
Council leader Jeremy Birch dies
Council leader Jeremy Birch died in the Conquest Hospital today, Wednesday, after being unconscious for several days.
He was rushed to intensive care at the hospital on Friday after suffering what was thought to be a stroke, and had since been in a coma. This morning a spokesman for the hospital described his condition as “critical.”
In a statement his partner Louise said, “It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden death of Jeremy Birch.
“The family would like to express their thanks to the critical care unit at the Conquest Hospital. We want it to be noted that the staff at the Conquest have been committed, compassionate and professional. We do not think we could have had a better service anywhere else.”
Labour’s parliamentary candidate Sarah Owen said, “I am devastated by the news that Jeremy has died. He was a friend and an inspiration to me. If anyone epitomised dedication to Hastings and St Leonards, it was Jeremy.
“Our local Labour Party is an incredibly close-knit family and Jeremy has been at its heart – we will all miss him deeply. Our thoughts are with Jeremy’s wife, children and grandchildren.”
A local councillor since 1995, Mr Birch was re-elected for Central St Leonards last year. He was also a serving county councillor, for Old Hastings and Tressell. Since he was taken ill, his duties as council leader have been covered by Cllr Peter Chowney, lead member for regeneration.
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