Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

The Regency Dragonflies of Hollingdean light up the Materials Recovery Facility in Hollingdean Lane, Brighton.

Interested in what happens to our recycled materials?

Transition Town Hastings have booked a visit to Hollingdean Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) on Friday 14 July from 10am. The presentation and tour take about two hours to complete. MRF sorts and bulks household waste from all over East Sussex. Then it’s transported onwards to recycling, recovery and disposal facilities.

Transition Town Hastings are taking names (up to 20 people can attend on any one visit), so let them know ASAP if you want to attend. First come, first served.
You’ll need to travel via train to London Rd Brighton Station (8 min walk) or they can arrange some car sharing.

Contact is

Transition Town Hastings website.

The Hollingdean site location.

More details

The site supplies all necessary safety equipment, but you would need to be wearing flat, sturdy footwear, long sleeves and trousers. Any person arriving on site wearing inappropriate attire, such as shorts or skirts or inappropriate footwear (sandals, pumps, soft trainers, high heels, open toed or backless shoes) will not be permitted on the tour.

Light refreshments (e.g. tea, coffee, soft drinks) are offered but food is not provided.

A minimum age requirement of 7 applies to all tours.

MRF are unable to offer site visits to anyone who has medical implants such as an implantable cardio converter defibrillator (pacemaker) as these may be affected by the eddy currents and electro-magnets used on site.

Tours may be difficult for visitors with reduced or restricted mobility as there are several flights of steps to climb.

Read more on the Veolia website. (At time of posting, this link to the Veolia website wasn’t working.) Here is the link to cut and paste: http//

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Posted 09:07 Saturday, Jun 10, 2017 In: Home Ground

1 Comment

  1. Tim Barton

    I’d love to see their proper stats record.
    After all, these are the guys who give great PR to this:

    Read it, it sounds great.

    What it doesn’t say is that this is a rebrand of their Incinerator. It may or may not heat the number of homes ‘promised’, to the best of my current knowledge no others in the UK have. CELCHP, in South London, was a flagship site for ‘waste to energy’ and promised this but never delivered.

    What does happen is that the operators subsidise their own energy costs by using the heat generated to produce some of the plants energy. Strictly speaking, this is not recycling as the waste is destroyed so it cannot remain in a cycle. However, in the late 90s I think, Gordon Brown successfully lobbied the EU to widen ‘recycling’ to include incinerators.

    The ash is highly toxic, the burn temperature must remain extremely high at all times as it produces toxic organochlorines, amongst other poisons, and the highest temps are deemed ‘safest’. Even with modern scrubbers and filters this toxic material is leaked to the environment. Whilst everyone points fingers at Monsanto over feminising chemicals, all over the country municipal, hospital and privately run incinerators are adding to this apocalypse too.

    Of especial interest here is what proportion of plastics are recycled for true reuse and what proportion end up in the incinerators at Newhaven, Allington & Redhill. Built as part of SEEDAs stalinist plan to manage the south-east’s waste, regardless of politiocal or scientific climate, these plants require waste with a high calorific value to assure a high temperature burn. So, plastics are a key ingredient, in vast amounts.

    Meanwhile, the incinerators are granted license after public inquiry, always with locally sourced waste. But, later, a change of license is invariably applied for, sans public inquiry, wherein waste may be imported from abroad. The location of all these plants, across the country, tends to give good transport links to facilitate this: it is part of the economic game plan of the private plant companies. Thus, we burn toxic materials as waste from all across Europe, indeed, from further afield too – an especially awful case in the 90s saw a plant in Pontypool authorised to take extremely toxic materials from Nigeria, from a ship turned back from several Mediterranean ports. I have detail on this case, but it is lengthy, shocking, and, due to idiocies of 90s legal precedent litigious to name names about in print.

    Comment by Tim Barton — Thursday, Jun 15, 2017 @ 10:29

Also in: Home Ground

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