EU grant for improving housing conditions
Hastings has been awarded a second European Union grant to help improve housing conditions in the town, this time in St Leonards. The first project, Climate Active Neighbourhood, was approved earlier this year for the Ore Valley area.
In Hastings, partners include Hastings Borough Council, Amicus Horizon and Energise Sussex Coast.
The project which the funding will support is SHINE – Sustainable Houses in Inclusive Neighbourhoods. It includes 15 partners from France, Belgium and the Netherlands as well as the UK, with Brighton & Hove City Council also participating. The grant is from the Interreg 2 Seas Programme – at current exchange rates the total value to Hastings is around £1.77 million.
“This is excellent news for the town,” said Cllr Kim Forward, lead member for housing at Hastings Borough Council. “It will benefit particularly disadvantaged parts of St Leonards by tackling fuel poverty through introducing carbon dioxide reduction and low carbon technologies. The project will target residential areas where housing quality is poor and less energy efficient, particularly in the private rented sector, but also include those who own their homes as well as local residents in social housing.
“The project includes energy efficient improvements to 200 homes, an energy advice ‘pop-up’ service, campaigns to improve energy efficiency, provide energy advice, and energy kits or smart meters to 600 homes.
“Local residents and tenants will see real benefits from the project because of lower energy bills, while everybody will benefit in the long term through a reduction in our carbon footprint. This really is a win-win scheme, and I am delighted that we were successful in winning this funding. I look forward to seeing the promised improvements.”
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Dear Kathleen, Please contact the Council or Amicus Horizons – and see if your house/location comes within their remit. Thank you for replying. Warm wishes and good luck. Zelly
Comment by Zelly Restorick — Monday, Aug 8, 2016 @ 06:52
This all sounded ok if not mindblowing, until I read the bit about the smart meters. Having a device in your home that emits radiation equivalent to a mobile phone mast is nothing to get happy about. And in the experience of many in the US it does not result in lower bills, in fact far from it. Many there have experienced bills skyrocketing through inaccurate readings.
Comment by Liz Bygrave — Friday, Aug 5, 2016 @ 06:39
How can I expect help for me
Comment by Kathleen El Khram — Thursday, Aug 4, 2016 @ 23:34
I am interested in what this can do for me as an individual
I live in St Leonards and own a semi basement flat with garden
What help can I get to improve my living condition please
Comment by Kathleen El Khram — Thursday, Aug 4, 2016 @ 23:31
Looks like another one that those who voted for Brexit are blowing – along with the rest of the UK economy. Make the most of it while you still can.
Comment by Stewart Rayment — Thursday, Aug 4, 2016 @ 13:00
Let us hope this money is not spent on thousands upon thousands of advice and information leaflets which are not helpful for those who cannot afford to heat their homes. These leaflets would be better off stoking the fires to create some heat. All too often monies awarded to help those in need is spent on advice literature – one well known charity for the elderly sent out all these disosable themometers so the pensioners could see if their homes had reached the optimam level for hypothermia…not helpful, just patronizing.
Nobody should have to worry about keeping warm during the cold months. Not in this so called civilised society. Let’s see this money put to proper use. And what’s all this about the carbon footprint?
Another issue which won’t help the poor old soul down the road who is too frightened to put the heating on.
And I thought our new Home Secretary was going to sort out the exceptionally exhorbitant and high cost of fuel? Looking at my latest bill, nothing has changed. These fuel companies are taking us all for a ride.
Comment by barney — Thursday, Aug 4, 2016 @ 12:59
While I do not begrudge anyone being helped who is not able to afford decent housing, it does look like from what I am reading how private landlords are going to benefit from this.
So landlords will get upgrades for nothing.
I would really like to see a list of how this money gets spent. Far too often you hear of these grants being handed out to this town and then nothing more is ever heard again
Comment by heritage — Wednesday, Aug 3, 2016 @ 14:15