Rock fall, Hastings beach, end of Rock-a-Nore Road (photo: Nick Sangster).
Bathers beware
Bathers and walkers alike are being urged not to ignore the ‘Danger’ signs at the eastern end of Rock-a-Nore Road, according to an urgent warning issued Wednesday July 24 by Hastings Borough Council.
Cllr Emily Westley, the council’s lead member for resort services, explained: “The dry weather has made the cliffs more susceptible to collapse. There was a dramatic fall just Tuesday evening, by coincidence I was there with Nick Sangster, our resort services manager, who captured it on camera.
“Cliffs are subject to collapse at any time of the year. The consequences of this fall could easily have been fatal, fortunately no-one was hurt, but there are often people on this part of the beach, so I would urge people not to go beyond the barrier. We’re not being ‘elf’n’safety’ jobsworths: as this picture shows, the dangers are very real indeed.”
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