Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Scanning electromicrograph of an HIV-infected T cell. (Credit: NIAID)

Preventive HIV pill an East Sussex innovation

PEOPLE at risk of contracting HIV will find it easier to get preventative treatment as East Sussex becomes the first county in the country to offer an online service, East Sussex County Council reports.

East Sussex Public Health, in partnership with Preventx, the Love Tank CIC and LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor, have launched England’s first online HIV Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) service – a pilot attracting national and international interest.

More than 330 people in East Sussex currently get the HIV PrEP pill from the county’s face to face service, but local research suggests more than 1,100 people could be eligible and benefit from the treatment. The PrEP pill works by stopping HIV from replicating in the body. PrEP can be used by almost anyone who is HIV negative.

Darrell Gale, Director of Public Health for East Sussex, said:

We are delighted to be working with Preventx to make it even easier for residents at risk of HIV to access the PrEP pill which, if taken properly, is nearly 100 per cent effective.

People’s work lifestyles, caring responsibilities and stigma can be a real barrier to using traditional face-to-face health services to access HIV PrEP.  By offering HIV PrEP online, we hope to make it easier for those people unable to access the face-to-face service to avoid getting HIV.

Following online assessment, residents can be taken through all the relevant tests and health checks and receive the HIV PrEP medication within around two weeks, if the treatment is deemed appropriate for them. 

There is currently nothing like this available in England. We are excited to see the results of the pilot and how this innovative model can be used by others nationally and internationally to help achieve the aim set out in the England HIV action plan to end HIV transmission occurring in England by 2030.

NHS Sexual Health Consultant and Medical Director at Preventx, Dr Vanessa Apea said:

Improving access to HIV PrEP is a vital step towards ending transmissions of HIV in England. For some people, cultural taboos and stigmas, or time-consuming journeys to clinics, prevent them from accessing HIV PrEP, and put the UK’s 2030 goal at risk.

Offering people a choice of ways to access HIV PrEP is really important, and we are proud to launch this new service for the people of East Sussex. We hope it will support the vital work happening in clinics and give users a safe and convenient new way to manage their health and access HIV PrEP.

The HIV PrEP pill is an antiretroviral drug (the same type taken to treat HIV) and is aimed at people at a higher risk of HIV infection — such as sexual partners of those who may be HIV positive and not on treatment.

An HIV virus budding out of a human immune cell, which the virus infects and uses to replicate. (Wikimedia Commons)

Getting started

Those wishing to access the new service will have a preliminary telephone call with a Preventx clinician and be sent an at-home sampling kit.  If HIV PrEP is suitable, they will be able to order repeat prescriptions online, which will be posted to them. Support for users is available to ensure safe and effective HIV PrEP access.

Anyone with complexities meaning they can’t access the online offer, will be offered management with local specialists in the sexual health services.

To find out more about the online service visit East Sussex Sexual Health

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Posted 20:54 Sunday, Aug 18, 2024 In: Health Matters

Also in: Health Matters

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