5 For Wellbeing event! All welcome!
Su Barnicoat, Community Development Officer for Chances4Change East Sussex Project at Hastings Voluntary Action in Hastings has organised a stimulating, entertaining, interesting and fun day out called ‘5 For Wellbeing’, writes HOT’s Zelly Restorick. The 5 Ways are based on the researched wellbeing suggestions: Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Give – simple activities we can all include in our everyday lives.
The mind and the body, despite their separateness within our health system, operate in tandem, not as separate entities – and with increased pressure on both physical and mental health services, it’s wise to take some responsibility for our own health and wellbeing – and do what we can to take care of ourselves.
The Five Ways to Wellbeing were developed by nef [New Economics Foundation: economics as if people and the planet mattered] from evidence gathered in the UK government’s Foresight Project on Mental Capital and Wellbeing. The Project, published in 2008, drew on state-of-the-art research about mental capital and mental wellbeing through life. It asked nef to develop the Five Ways to Wellbeing to communicate its key findings.
The Five Ways have been used by health organisations, schools and community projects across the UK and around the world to help people take action to improve their wellbeing. They’ve been used in lots of different ways, for example to get people to start thinking about wellbeing, to develop organisational strategy, to measure impact, to assess need, for staff development, and to help people to incorporate more wellbeing-promoting activities into their lives.
Chances 4 Change and the East Sussex branch are working to improve the health and wellbeing of every citizen in South England, particularly areas of high multiple deprivation.
Su Barnicoat and the Chances 4 Change team have organised a fabulous day of events and experiences, which everyone is invited to attend. The event is happening during half term and there’s plenty for parents and children to do, including creche facilities: free multi-sports with Active Hastings, Indian Head massage, Health Trainers, puppet making with Craftimation, new age curling on rollers, pilates, mindfulness, movement and meditation, the singers from Tune-Up Tuesdays with Gary Marriott, Clowning Therapy, Laughter Yoga, presentations, information about the connection between food and mood, a Q&A with senior mental health managers, – and details of how to access community support. Plus, if you’re one of the first 100 people, you’ll be invited to share in a free healthy buffet.
Entry is FREE!
5 For Wellbeing 20 February 2015, 10.30am – 4pm Horntye Sports Complex, Off Bohemia Road, Hastings, TN34 1EX
For more details, please contact Su Barnicoat at Hastings Voluntary Action on 01424 444010 or mobile 07702 902840 or email: su@hvauk.org
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Also in: Health Matters
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