Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

The Magic Money Tree will be in Wellington Place, outside Millets on Thursday from noon to 2pm

Add your wishes for Hastings to the Magic  Xmas Tree

Hastings and Rye Labour Party will be in Hastings Town Centre tomorrow, Thursday 20 December, inviting you to add your three wishes for Hastings to their ‘Magic Money Tree’. HOT’s (and Labour’s) Erica Smith peeps inside its branches.

The Xmas tree is the brain child of locally based animator Sarah Gomes Harris. Sarah has been working on the tree with another local creative, model-maker and set-builder Robin Fean who has worked on Tim Burton and Wes Anderson features.

Hastings and Rye Labour Party is running a ‘Listening’ campaign to find out about the major issues that affect local people and the three things that they think are the most important to change. Sarah was keen to join the campaign – “Austerity is a choice – not a necessity”, she said. “Society cannot function without investment and I think it’s important that government invests in our communities. That is one of my wishes.”

Hastings and Rye’s MP, Amber Rudd, is keen to claim the town’s creative community as an asset, yet the majority of creatives in the town earn lower than the local average wage of £19,000 per year and have found themselves at the sharper end of the Conservative’s austerity cuts.

The Magic Money Tree will be in Wellington Place, outside Millets, from 12–2pm on Thursday 21 December. Please come along, say “Hello” to Sarah and the Listening Team, and add your wishes to make Hastings and St Leonards better places to live.

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Posted 07:41 Thursday, Dec 20, 2018 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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