Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Museum event to mark UN’s day of disabled people

To mark UN International Day of Disabled People on Tuesday 3 December, local disabled activists have organised an event at Hastings museum with short talks, spoken word performances and refreshments, as they explain.

Hastings and St Leonards disabled activists, creatives and allies celebrate and share the highs and lows of an underrepresented, yet world-leading movement, run by and for disabled people.

Our event takes place on 3 December 2024 – the UN International Day of Disabled People – at and supported by Hastings Museum and Art Gallery (HMAG).

The theme of this year’s UK Disability History Month is Disability Livelihood and Employment, looking at how, throughout history, disabled people have always found ways to thrive and beat the stereotypes.

UK Disability History Month, which runs this year until 20 December, began formally in 2010, and follows the liberating Social Model of Disability – the realisation that it is “the confrontation with the imposed barriers and breakdown of societal organisation that makes us disabled” (check out award-winning writer Penny Pepper’s first Byline Times column to know more).

Disabled people have always lived and worked in Hastings and St Leonards. From Poor Law records detailing the ‘infirm and lame’, to the Victorian house in a St Leonards Street that was one of the first co-ed schools for disabled children, and the chronically-ill consumptives who came for the seaside air in their thousands, the disability experience was, and is, everywhere.

With this history behind us, this informal, friendly event will celebrate not only UK Disability History Month, but also coincides with UN International Day of Disabled People. The gathering will feature short talks, refreshments and an hour of spoken word and readings.

Do please share and come along to celebrate with us and raise the profile of our month, and our day. Inclusion does not exist unless we – disabled people – are included.

The event is free but as places are limited please book by contacting

Led by locals:

  • Writer, poet and activist Penny Pepper
  • Craftivist and inclusive consultant Theresa Hodge
  • Local hands-on community action legend Kev Towner


Event to mark UK Disability History Month: From Begging Bowls to Respectful Benefits: How Disabled People Fight to Survive and Thrive” Tuesday 3 December, 3.30-7pm, Durbar Room, Hastings Museum and Art Gallery, John’s Place, Bohemia Road TN34 1ET.

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Posted 17:56 Monday, Dec 2, 2024 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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