Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Campaigners blockade General Dynamics’ factory in Sidney Little Road, 30 July 2024. Photo: Hastings PSC

Local campaigners blockade arms factory again, ahead of trial

Local campaigners blockaded General Dynamics’ local arms factory in Sidney Little Road again last Tuesday (30 July). Gabriel Carlyle reports.

Around a dozen local residents blockade the driveway of a local arms factory in St Leonards last Tuesday (30 July), in protest over the UK’s continued sale of arms to Israel.

The protest, which took place at General Dynamics’ factory in Sidney Little Road, ran from 7 – 8.30am, preventing workers at the factory from driving into the factory’s car park.

Police immediately attempted to get the protestors out of the road but backed-off when campaigners brought up the 2021 ‘Ziegler’ supreme court ruling which found that deliberately disruptive protest can be legally justified, in certain circumstances, by the need to protect the rights to free expression and free assembly. No arrests were made.

Police attempt, unsuccessfully, to get protestors to leave. Outside General Dynamics’ factory in Sidney Little Road, 30 July 2024. Photo: Hastings & Rye PSC

Still no embargo

Tuesday was also the day on which ‘[t]he [UK] government offered no timetable on Tuesday for its anticipated decision over whether to continue licensing arms exports to Israel as parliament prepared to break for its summer recess.’

According to Middle East Monitor (MEM): ‘A new Oxfam analysis has estimated that nearly 7,000 people across Gaza are likely to be killed or injured during the 33-day recess if Israel’s military offensive continues at it current level.’

MEM also quoted the chief executive of Oxfam GB, Halima Begum, as saying: ‘The government is fully aware of the risk that arms exported from the UK are likely being used to commit war crimes in Gaza.

‘It is critical that the UK government immediately suspend both existing and new licences for all arms sales, whether direct to Israel or via third parties,’ she said.

‘Without such concrete action, glaring loopholes for continued arms transfers will remain. Minor restrictions will make little meaningful difference in this appalling crisis.’

Campaign Against Arms Trade has similarly warned that a UK suspension of arms sales to Israel will be ‘meaningless’ if it does not include components for the F-35 combat aircraft that Israel is currently using to bomb Gaza (see box).

Photo: Hastings & Rye PSC

‘Genocide Dynamics’

According to the American Friends Service Committee: ‘General Dynamics supplies the Israeli military with a wide variety of weapons, including various bombs. The company’s technologies are also integrated into Israel’s main weapon systems, including fighter jets and armored combat vehicles … For years, these weapons have repeatedly been used against Palestinian civilians, resulting in numerous casualties as well as mass destruction of homes and civilian infrastructure, including hospitals, schools, and water and electric systems.’

General Dynamics’ two factories in St Leonards have been the focus of sustained attention by local peace campaigners, including a ‘Peace Camp for Palestine’ in June and an earlier blockade of the Sidney Little site, during which three protestors were arrested and later charged with ‘aggravated trespass’.

A protest in support of the #Hastings3 will be taking place at 9am on the trial date (Tuesday 27 August) outside Hastings Magistrates Court.

Hastings & Rye PSC:

Photo: Hastings & Rye PSC

On 29 July, Campaign Against Arms Trade tweeted:

‘There is currently a lot of talk that the UK may be about to announce at least a partial suspension of arms exports to Israel. This is welcome, but as always, the devil is in the detail.

‘We hope that the government will really end UK complicity in the genocide in #Gaza, but we fear that they may seek to make a very partial and weak suspension, in an attempt to assuage overwhelming public anger, while protecting the interests of the UK arms industry.

‘Key to this is the UK role in the US-made F-35 combat aircraft. UK industry produces at least 15% of the value of every F-35. This includes crucial elements like the rear fuselage, targeting lasers, bomb release mechanisms, and critical electronic systems.

‘Israel has 39 F-35s, with 36 more on order. The aircraft need a constant stream of spare parts, especially when in active use. The F-35 is being used by Israel to bomb Gaza, along with their F-15s and F-16s. F-35s have been used to drop 2000lb bombs on Gaza, causing horrific casualties.

‘When talking about UK arms sales to Israel, figures like £42m (in 2022) are often cited (£18min 2023). This is the value of *single licences*, which allow the delivery of a fixed quantity and value of equipment. But this does not include the UK components for Israel’s F-35s.

‘F-35-related exports are covered by an “Open General” licence, allowing unlimited deliveries, indefinitely, without further licensing. 79 UK companies are registered for this licence. See No figures are provided for how much has actually been exported.

‘But we estimate, based on the cost of the F-35, that the 39 planes delivered to Israel so far since 2016 include at least £364m worth of UK components, not counting spare parts. The planes still on order, plus ongoing support, will likely be worth as much again.

‘The F-35 is the clearest way in which UK arms exports are directly involved in the genocide in Gaza. They could not fly without continuing support from the UK, as well as the US. Ending the supply of UK parts for Israeli F-35s, both new planes and spares, is essential.

‘But such a move would no doubt greatly upset the US. They will not be happy about a key partner country putting conditions on who the US can sell the F-35 to, or who they can deliver UK spare parts to. And the UK arms industry is deeply invested in the F-35.

‘BAE Systems’ UK businesses alone received over £1 billion in revenue in 2023 from the F-35 programme (for all countries). UK companies have $7.8 billion in ongoing subcontracts from the F-35’s main contractor, Lockheed Martin, for lots that include some planes for Israel.

‘So what we are looking out for is if the government announces e.g. that they are halting all new licences to Israel, and perhaps even cancelling a few existing licences, while leaving Israel on the F-35 licence, and hoping this is enough to make the issue go away.

‘But stopping other licences while allowing the flow of crucial F-35 components to Israel to continue unabated would be like declaring that you are going vegetarian except for bacon (which you continue to eat every day for breakfast). The UK would still be complicit in genocide

‘We hope the government will not attempt any such sleight of hand, but we know from long and bitter experience that govts of all parties are too often willing to make impressive sounding noises on their ethical arms export policy, while changing little in reality and in particular ensuring nothing happens that impacts arms company profits.

‘If the government do try something like this, we will be sure to hold them to account, and we hope that the media does the same, rather than just blazing a government headline that arms sales to Israel have ended.’

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Posted 13:07 Sunday, Aug 4, 2024 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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